Assessment & Evaluation of Learning Guest Lecturer: Diane Powell Dip Teaching (Primary), BEd, MEd (Ed Leadership) (Assistant Principal - Kismet Park PS) Are We There Yet?
Principles of Learning and Teaching (POLT) The fifth Principle of Learning and Teaching (PoLT) states that that students learn best when: Assessment practices are an integral part of teaching and learning.
In learning environments that reflect this principle the teacher: 5.1 Designs assessment practices that reflect the full range of learning program objectives. 5.2 Ensures that students receive frequent constructive feedback that supports further learning. 5.3 Makes assessment criteria explicit. 5.4 Uses assessment practices that encourage reflection and self assessment 5.5 Uses evidence from assessment to inform planning and teaching.
The Bigger Picture
Assessment should be… Holistic Holistic Purposeful Purposeful Timely Timely
HOLISTIC Scientist Scientist Writer Writer Historian Historian Reader Reader Listener Listener Communicator Communicator Mathematician Mathematician Technologist Technologist Collaborator Collaborator Sportsperson Sportsperson Analyst Analyst And much more…… And much more……
PURPOSEFUL Assessment is an ongoing meaningful process for analysing student progress Assessment is an ongoing meaningful process for analysing student progress As a teacher I: As a teacher I: set goals and standards that need to be measuredset goals and standards that need to be measured assess to observe behaviours, attitudes and skills of studentsassess to observe behaviours, attitudes and skills of students test to diagnose and confirm student learningtest to diagnose and confirm student learning evaluate student results by reflecting upon, revising and enhancing my pedagogyevaluate student results by reflecting upon, revising and enhancing my pedagogy Assessment must include a student directed component that offers involvement in design, feedback and self-evaluation Assessment must include a student directed component that offers involvement in design, feedback and self-evaluation
TIMELY ptoyear10/assessadvice/default.htm#definition ptoyear10/assessadvice/default.htm#definition
Assessment for Learning Formative/Diagnostic assessment Formative/Diagnostic assessment This assessment is valuable data for planning instruction. This assessment is valuable data for planning instruction. Teachers should work together in teams to discuss the cohort’s developmental needs and moderate expectations through sharing student test results. Teachers should work together in teams to discuss the cohort’s developmental needs and moderate expectations through sharing student test results. Designing future tests in teams will maintain consistency. Designing future tests in teams will maintain consistency.
Assessment as Learning Self assessment allows students to ascertain progress towards short and long term learning goals and their individual learning plans. Self assessment allows students to ascertain progress towards short and long term learning goals and their individual learning plans. Ongoing monitoring of their own goals allows students to take responsibility for their learning. Ongoing monitoring of their own goals allows students to take responsibility for their learning. Regular teacher feedback is vital. Regular teacher feedback is vital.
Learning Development How will I Know I’ve furthered my Learning? How will I Know I’ve furthered my Learning?
Examples of Self Assessment Rubrics – co-designed with teacher Rubrics – co-designed with teacher Learning Journals - Reflections Learning Journals - Reflections ePortfolios ePortfolios Mind Maps Mind Maps Graphic Organisers Graphic Organisers Checklists Checklists Visual representation Visual representation Three Way Conference Three Way Conference
Assessment of Learning Summative assessment is useful for knowing how effective is our teaching BUT it does not improve student learning. Summative assessment is useful for knowing how effective is our teaching BUT it does not improve student learning. Summative assessment is best administered at mid year and end of year to inform our report writing. Summative assessment is best administered at mid year and end of year to inform our report writing. Prep, Year 7 and new students at other levels may need beginning points. Prep, Year 7 and new students at other levels may need beginning points.
Milestones What will Confirm my Learning? What will Confirm my Learning?
Assessment Evidence What assessments will allow students to show their knowledge, skills, behaviours and deep understandings of the subject/topic/program? What assessments will allow students to show their knowledge, skills, behaviours and deep understandings of the subject/topic/program? Authentic Performance Tasks that allow for different learning styles. Authentic Performance Tasks that allow for different learning styles. Other methods (eg. Checklists, mastery tests, observations, quizzes) Other methods (eg. Checklists, mastery tests, observations, quizzes)
Value Adding Assessment strategies should be based on a variety of tasks, be inclusive of all learning needs and allow judgements of specific skills and depth of understanding Assessment strategies should be based on a variety of tasks, be inclusive of all learning needs and allow judgements of specific skills and depth of understanding Teachers need to be strategic about the number of tests administered and know their purpose for achieving intended outcomes. Teachers need to be strategic about the number of tests administered and know their purpose for achieving intended outcomes.
Curriculum Planning Assessment is integral to all curriculum planning and provide evidence that VELS have been achieved at a particular level. Assessment is integral to all curriculum planning and provide evidence that VELS have been achieved at a particular level. Assessment Evidence includes authentic performance tasks and other evidence (eg. quizzes, tests, prompts, observations, homework, journals) Assessment Evidence includes authentic performance tasks and other evidence (eg. quizzes, tests, prompts, observations, homework, journals)
Expectations Developmental Stages Developmental Stages
Teacher Judgements Every measurement is associated with some error and so teacher judgements are vital. Every measurement is associated with some error and so teacher judgements are vital. Teacher’s prior knowledge of each student, observations, conversations and questioning of students helps to build an overall picture. Teacher’s prior knowledge of each student, observations, conversations and questioning of students helps to build an overall picture.
Testing is….. A snapshot of each student’s capacity in a given timeframe A snapshot of each student’s capacity in a given timeframe It is only a fraction of the whole profile of a student It is only a fraction of the whole profile of a student It is OVERT - (i.e. students know they’re being tested) It is OVERT - (i.e. students know they’re being tested) It can be a positive or negative experience for a student It can be a positive or negative experience for a student Its reliability as a measurement tool is dependent on a range of factors Its reliability as a measurement tool is dependent on a range of factors
Differentiation We need to be more discerning of using tests that will tell us more about high and low end students’ strengths & weaknesses We need to be more discerning of using tests that will tell us more about high and low end students’ strengths & weaknesses A standard test will be too easy or too hard A standard test will be too easy or too hard The best test is where a student achieves 50%-60% accuracy The best test is where a student achieves 50%-60% accuracy utsreams.html utsreams.html
Implications for Test Design In any class you need 3 different tests for the high, middle and low ability groups or a test that provides a gradient of difficulty. In any class you need 3 different tests for the high, middle and low ability groups or a test that provides a gradient of difficulty. Open ended activities Open ended activities Students need to be told that the test is to find out what they know as well as what they now need to know. Students need to be told that the test is to find out what they know as well as what they now need to know.
Accountability Mandatory Testing Mandatory Testing English Online Interview (EOI) Prep – Year 2English Online Interview (EOI) Prep – Year 2 National Assessment Program for Literacy & Numeracy (NAPLAN) Year 3, 5, 7 & 9National Assessment Program for Literacy & Numeracy (NAPLAN) Year 3, 5, 7 & 9
Assessment Schedule P-6 Literacy YEAR TERM ONE TERM TWO TERM THREE TERM FOUR PREP Prep Entry Writing Sample Auditory Processing EOI* Running Record Oral Retell Writing Sample CATS Running Record Oral Retell Writing Sample CATS Running Record Writing Sample CATSEOI* YEAR 1/2 Observation Survey Yr1 Running Records Writing Sample CATS Running Record Oral Retell Writing Sample Running Record Writing Sample Oral Retell CATS Running Record On Demand Adaptive Yr2 Writing Sample EOI* YEAR 3/4 Running Record On Demand Linear Writing Sample Cars & Stars CATS On Demand Adaptive PAT Writing Sample NAPLANS Yr 3* On Demand Linear Writing Sample Cars & Stars CATS On Demand Adaptive PAT Writing Sample YEAR 5/6 On Demand Linear Writing Sample Cars & Stars CATS On Demand Adaptive PAT Writing Sample NAPLANS Yr 5* On Demand Linear Writing Sample Cars & Stars CATS On Demand Adaptive PAT Writing Sample
Evaluation Have our GOALS been ACHIEVED?
Evaluation How will the effectiveness of the teaching strategies be monitored? How will the effectiveness of the teaching strategies be monitored? Did the assessment tasks enable students to achieve the outcomes? Did the assessment tasks enable students to achieve the outcomes? Was evidence from on-going assessment used to inform/adapt teaching strategies? Was evidence from on-going assessment used to inform/adapt teaching strategies? Were students asked to evaluate the unit? Were students asked to evaluate the unit? Was a student survey used to measure levels of student engagement? (Monkey Survey: Sign up for FREE (basic level) Was a student survey used to measure levels of student engagement? (Monkey Survey: Sign up for FREE (basic level)
Characteristics of Effective Assessment 1 & 2 Assessment practices are integral to the teaching & learning process and are matched to the teaching & learning goals. Assessment practices are integral to the teaching & learning process and are matched to the teaching & learning goals. Assessment practices use a range of measures allowing students to demonstrate what they know and can do; leading to a more accurate picture of their learning and growth. Assessment practices use a range of measures allowing students to demonstrate what they know and can do; leading to a more accurate picture of their learning and growth.
Characteristics of Effective Assessment 3 & 4 Assessment practices promote deeper understanding of learning processes by developing students’ capacity for self- assessment, so they can become more reflective and self-managing. Assessment practices promote deeper understanding of learning processes by developing students’ capacity for self- assessment, so they can become more reflective and self-managing. Assessment is authentic – based on an understanding of how students learn and requiring them to apply their relevant skills, knowledge and understanding to real-world challenges. Assessment is authentic – based on an understanding of how students learn and requiring them to apply their relevant skills, knowledge and understanding to real-world challenges.
Characteristics of Effective Assessment 5 & 6 Assessment processes are valid, reliable, fair and equitable and cater for the range of learning styles. Assessment processes are valid, reliable, fair and equitable and cater for the range of learning styles. Students are involved in negotiating assessment to ensure a shared understanding of purpose, criteria and standards to more effectively engage them in their learning. Students are involved in negotiating assessment to ensure a shared understanding of purpose, criteria and standards to more effectively engage them in their learning.
Characteristics of Effective Assessment 7 Students have access to ongoing constructive feedback that supports further learning. Students have access to ongoing constructive feedback that supports further learning. For example: Peer assessment, ePortfolios, three-way conferences For example: Peer assessment, ePortfolios, three-way conferences
References DEECD: Assessment Website: ault.htm DEECD: Assessment Website: ault.htm ault.htm ault.htm DEECD: POLT Website: es/principles/default.htm DEECD: POLT Website: es/principles/default.htm es/principles/default.htm es/principles/default.htm DEECD: Assessment Tools: ptoyear10/tools/default.htm DEECD: Assessment Tools: ptoyear10/tools/default.htm ptoyear10/tools/default.htm ptoyear10/tools/default.htm DEECD: Stages of Learning (VELS): /default.htm DEECD: Stages of Learning (VELS): /default.htm /default.htm /default.htm DEECD: Student Assessment: nt/assessment_current_per.pdf DEECD: Student Assessment: nt/assessment_current_per.pdf nt/assessment_current_per.pdf nt/assessment_current_per.pdf nt/Synopsis_assessment.pdf nt/Synopsis_assessment.pdf nt/Synopsis_assessment.pdf nt/Synopsis_assessment.pdf Philip Holmes-Smith: Student Performance Analyser (SPA) Philip Holmes-Smith: Student Performance Analyser (SPA)