EDUCATION The present educational system in Poland was introduced in 1998/1999. Many changes have been implemented over several years concerning administration, financing, inspection, supervision, guidance, teachers rights and duties. Many changes have been implemented over several years concerning administration, financing, inspection, supervision, guidance, teachers rights and duties.
Educational system in Poland Education is now compulsory from 7 till 18 but there are some non school alternatives from 16, including apprenticeships.
Pre-school education According to the new Educational Act of 2002, pre-school education is treated as the first level of the education system and is compulsory for children of six years old. This education stimulates the general development and gives the primary reading skill and basic mathematics.
Elementary school education Pupils of 7-12 attend elementary school, which is compulsory. Primary education is divided into two cycles: - the first cycle (grades 1-3) at which beginning learning is offered, - the second cycle (grades 4-6) at which systematic learning is provided.
Elementary school education Primary schools operate on the basic of general educational plan which determinies the minimum weekly number of lesson periods of particular subjects. The main components taught at the lower level of the primary school are: - Polish language, - social and natural environment, - mathematics, - crafts and technology, - art and music, - physical education.
Elementary school education In the lower grades one teacher teaches all subjects, while in the higher grades each subject has a different teacher and usually pupils change classroom for each subject.
Secondary education After completing elementary school pupils can choose different secondary education, which is free of charge. General secondary schools provide graduation certificate of general education. Those who have passed the final examination called „matura” (maturity exam) may apply to universities. Those who do not want to study at university and those who have not taken the „matura” examination may continue their education in post-secondary vocational schools.
Vocational education Secondary schools of vocational education prepare qualified workers and others with equivalent qualification. They also provide general secondary education. The purpose of these schools is to meet the demand for qualified workers, and they also provide young people with the opportuninty of acquiring secondary education and taking the ‘matura’ examination.
Post-secondary education Students can choose post-secondary education. They are trained as nurses, accountants, administrative personnel for enterprises and hotels, computer specialists, librarians.
Higher education After secondary school students can take higher education. There are various types of higher education institutions in Poland: - universities, - polytechnics, - economic academies, - agricultural academies, - others. Day studies in state higher schools are free of charge.
Public and non-public schools Pursuant to the Act on School Educaton in force, primary schools, gymnasiums and post-gymnasium schools may all be public or non- public. Non-public schools are established and administered by legal or natural persons, and public schools by public administration and local government agencies.
Public and non-public schools A public school is an establishment which: - provides free education within framework timetables, - recruits pupils on the basis of the general access principle, - employs teachers holding qualifications which are defined in seperate legislation, - implements: curricula which are based on the core curriculum for general education and, in the case of vocational schools, also the core curriculum for training for a given occupation or a given branch of vocational education,
Public and non-public schools a framework timetable, complies with the rules for pupil assesment, grading and progression, and for setting examinations and tests as laid down by the minister responsible for school education and education, offers the possibility of obtaining state certificates and diplomas.
Structure of educational system in Poland Pre-school education Elementary school Age: 7-12 Gymnasium Age: years Post secondary schools
Post-secondary education 3-year specialised high school, 3-year specialised high school, 3-year general high school, 3-year general high school, 4-year technical secondary schools, 4-year technical secondary schools, 2-3-year vocational schools, 2-3-year vocational schools, 2-year supplementary schools, 2-year supplementary schools, 3-year supplementary technical secondary schools, 3-year supplementary technical secondary schools,
MINISTRY OF NATIONAL EDUCATION (elaborating educational policies at the national level, coordination other governing bodies, controlling higher education institutions supervised by this Ministry) EDUCATION OFFICER (educational supervision) SCHOOLS LOCAL GOVERNMENT (administration and financial supervision)
Financing of public schools National government (Ministry of Finances) Local government (Municipalities, Poviat, Voivodship) Schools