ePortfolio Inquiry Project Zach Tucker
History ePortfolios find their roots in traditional paper portfolios. These were used for collecting personal info, sample work, evaluations, and awards. “ePortfolios” came into existence in the early 1990s with the rise of internet capabilities. People could now upload their portfolios to an online server and input texts, hyperlinks, documents, multimedia, and more.
History of ePortfolios Today, ePortfolios are seeing more widespread as more people understand their functions and they become easier to use. "The History of ePortfolios." danwilton.com. N.p., n.d. Web. 18 Oct
K-12 ePortfolios ePortfolios are used decidedly less in secondary school than in college, most likely because college students are looking to showcase their work for a wider variety of goals, whereas most secondary school students have a specific goal of getting into college. GoogleApps divides its ePortfolios for K-12 into three levels, with Level 1 being the simplest and Level 3 the most advanced
K-12 ePortfolios Level 1 – Using an ePortfolio as storage – Used by younger students because of their inability to grasp the complexities of higher level ePortfolios – Focuses on content Level 2 – Using an ePortfolio as a workspace – Used by mid-range students – Focuses on reflection of learning and the documentation of artifacts.
K-12 ePortfolios Level 3 – Using an ePortfolio as a showcase – Used by the upper level secondary students – Focused on the documentation of achievements – Most similar to college ePortfolios, in that they have a purpose other than being used for self-benefit. "ePortfolios with GoogleApps." GoogleApps. Google, n.d. Web. 18 Oct
College and Beyond College students most often use e-portfolios to showcase their achievements. “An ePortfolio is in sense a very advanced resume, in that it is a resume with other media (pictures, videos, hyperlinks, letters of reference, blurbs, etc…) attached. Everything is then organized to show off the student to potential employers.” –Zach Tucker
College and Beyond After college, students will most likely use their e- portfolios for the same purpose (an advanced resume). Businesses may use an ePortfolio to show off the business as a whole. Very professional people sometimes use multiple ePortfolios to show off different aspects of their lives. Stringfellow, Angela. "About Business Potrfolios." SoYouWanna?. N.p., n.d. Web. 18 Oct
Different Types of ePortfolios Foliotek – The motto of this platform is “Assessment just got easier” – Suitable for users who have many files for their ePortfolio – It distinguishes students ePortfolios from faculty/administrator ePortfolios – Supposedly complicated and costs money
Different Types of ePortfolios Elgg – A hybrid between social networking and ePortfolios – The platform allows for information to be put together as a profile for others to view – Similar to other social media sites, it has an “add a friend” feature – Enables the user to add information about past and present life
Different Types of ePortfolios KEEP Toolkit – Highly regarded by users – Has a wide range of tools allowing users to do many different things with their ePortfolio – There are examples of ePortfolios to help users create their own – Allows webpages to be linked together like a website – The most helpful of the platforms "Different Types of E Portfolio Platforms." slideshare.net Web. 19 Oct
Limitations of ePortfolios Lack of Standardization – Portfolios do not meet the requirements for standardization because they are tailored to the individual student. Not Feasible for Large Scale Learning Assessment – Because of the un-standardized nature of the portfolios, a single reviewer may see the work in the portfolio different than another making it difficult to adequately assess the student – Also, though computer technology has come a long way in grading, the technology cannot be used in this sense because of the large scale un-standardized portfolios
Limitations of ePortfolios Bias – A portfolio may include photographs, videos, or other information about student identities – Because of the lack of anonymity, reviewers may inadvertently form biases about the student Shavelson, Richard, Stephen Klein, and Roger Benjamin. "The Limitations of Portfolios." Inside Higher Ed. N.p., 16 Oct Web. 19 Oct