VIDEO AND E-PORTFOLIOS FOR ASSESSMENT Malcolm Bryant Cathleen Cisse James Wolff
Good Morning Our Disclaimer Our Course e-Portfolios Our Mid-semester Video Project Outcomes Thoughts on the Process Conclusions
Program Implementation for Global Health- Making Programs Work Partners with International NGO’s Team based Intensive and fast-paced Uses e-portfolio for Individual reflection on leadership and team process Documentation of individual skills and competencies Documentation and presentation of team deliverables Assessment of learning
E-portfolios in the classroom Constructivist model Positivist model Evidence= artifact + reflection + validation
Objectives of the Assessment (Video) Highlight program implementation skills and competencies Place these competencies in the context of your current and future public health career Expose HR professionals to e-portfolio and to our excellent students in the BUSPH MPH program
The HR Interview Presentation to HR professional Assessment by HR professional Assessment by course faculty
Grading Rubric Criteria Presentation style Clarity and Organization Projects Competence and technical acumen in regard to program management Projects Confidence and technical acumen about Work Planning Human Resource Management Quality improvement issues Management Information systems Overall subjective Impression
What do you think? Do these video assessments demonstrate student competency in program implementation acquired during the course?
Examples of the Video Assessment
Results Variation in approach Creating a narrative Selecting artifacts Reflecting on artifacts Connecting course to career Presenting themselves in a professional setting Multiple opportunities for HR professionals Learn what MPH students are doing Learn about BUSPH Coach students on building a personal narrative
Conclusions Alignment of goals and activities with the assessment Opportunity to independently select, integrate and present skills and competencies Insight into what students were learning and what they considered important Exposure to potential employers for students and school