* Decide where you want to live and research to help you find available positions. The very top boxes let you do a search by occupation, skills and location. * If you do not see a salary listed on Monster.com, you can go to where you can also search by occupation and location. After you enter your search, you will see an average salary for the position you are researching. Occupation _____________________________ Salary ______________________________ Education Needed _________________________________ Job Requirements _________________________________ Benefits _________________________________
Your annual (yearly) salary is _________ ◦ If the above is your yearly salary, what is your monthly salary/income? ____________________________________ ◦ This amount is called your gross income. Which means the amount of money you make before; income taxes, health care, insurances, union dues, retirement, etc. Your Net income is around 70% of your gross income. What is your Net income? ____________________________
As you know, not all of your net income can be used for a house payment. You will have many other expenses. It is best not to have a house payment that is more than 40% of your net income. ◦ Based on that, what is 40% of your net income? ______________________ ◦ This will be a house payment that you can afford if you have no other major debt.
Log on to ◦ Click on Calculators Amortizing Loan Calculator Click on Loan Amount Enter Pre – determined Payment that you can afford 360 months Annual interest of 4.75% Click on Calculator
Loan Amount Months of Payments Annual Interest Monthly Payments Total Payments Total Interest
Using the online information – fill in the following table. YearsInterest paidPrincipal paidBalance still owed After 1 year After 5 years After 10 years After 15 years After 20 years After 25 years After 30 years
Log on to edinareality.com Information should be entered in the top blue box ◦ Enter city/state – same box (let’s all stay in Minnesota) Price minimum ($50,000 less than loan amount) Price maximum (loan amount) Number of Bedrooms Bathrooms Then click on Search – All homes that qualify will be listed below the map.
Location (city, state)Address