October 14, 2011
Benefit Year Earnings (BYE): Root Causes Identified: Agency Causes Auto cancel of some ES issues Agency currently cross matches only against the state directory of new hires and does not cross reference all claims against NDNH Claimant Causes Claimant fails to update return-to-work status Employer Causes Employers fail to report new hires though New Hire Database 2
Benefit Year Earnings (BYE): Planned action(s) to address: Discontinue auto cancel of all ES issues Create script/procedures for ES adjudication Instantly run claims through NDNH Principal milestones: On or before 1 st Quarter 2012 Launch or new CORE computer system in 4 th Quarter of
Separations (SEPs): Root Causes Identified: Agency Causes High turnover has left the agency with inexperienced adjudication staff Need for increased number of subject matter experts Claimant Causes Incorrect entries of separating base period employer Confusion as to fact finding questions on agency requests for information Employer Causes Employer fails to provide sufficient information 4
Separations: Planned action(s) to address: Create positions for quality experts at management level Create web-based training for new hires and current staff who do not meet acceptable quality standards Review claims filing questions and edit as necessary for better clarity and ease of understanding Transfer NDNH information to drop down boxes Continue to improve ease of communications from employers with the agency 5
Separations (cont.): Principal milestones: Training and personnel enhancements to be addressed in the 4 th Quarter of 2011 Question revisions and NDNH transfer to take place in 1 st Quarter of 2012 Improve and enhance communication of separation information between the agency and employers 6
Work Search Issues: Root Causes Identified: Claimant Causes Lack of knowledge of work search Requirements Agency Causes Voucher submission allowed with less than 3 WS entries, as required by rule 7
Work Search Issues : Planned action(s) to address: Policy to provide warning in the first week to non-compliant claimants Manual adjudication of each WS each week following a warning System defaults that would not allow voucher completion with less than 3 WS Principal milestones: 1 st Quarter of 2012 Mid
9 ES Registration Root cause(s) identified: Complicated/Cumbersome process for completing and posting resume as required by current agency policy Planned action(s) to address issue Revise policy to allow less cumbersome registration Reduce and reorganize steps to streamline resume building process Principle milestones Policy change could happen as early as 1 st Quarter of 2012 System changes would happen no earlier than the 2 nd Quarter of 2012
Strategies to Support Owning UI Integrity: Encourage every staff member who works on or near UI claims: To be provide exceptional customer service to claimants Take an interest in meeting agency goals To take ownership of integrity Maintain management oversight with a focus on quality So often the focus on timeliness results in pressure to take shortcuts that impact quality and integrity 10
Communications Strategies: To claimants Improve customer awareness Promote benefits of using Indiana Career Connect (ICC) Target communications on requirements where integrity is a problem, especially BYE and Work Search issues To employers Encourage participation in the adjudication process Inform employers of requirements for reporting new hires Encourage use of Employer Self Service (ESS) 11
Communications Strategies, Continued: To state UI staff Take ownership of issue determinations Share BAM and BTQ data across all UI units To the public Provide feedback to help us improve services Discourage fraudulent behavior 12
“Integrity: Own It!” Questions? State Contact for follow-up: Joshua Richardson: Phone: 317/