Time Management Where Does the Time go? Supportive Systems, LLC EAP & Corporate Development Scott J. Watson, MA, LCAC, SAP,BRI
10.Crisis 9. Telephone calls 8. Poor Planning 7. Attempting to do too much 6. Drop – in visitors 5. Poor Delegation 4. Personal disorganization 3. Lack of Self-discipline 2. Inability to say “NO” 1. Procrastination
Objectives Participants will: ► Learn techniques for successful time management; ► Increase awareness of the ways in which people contribute to their own time management problems; ► Identify techniques to overcome barriers to successful time management.
Time Management Definition “The art and science of determining the best way of using your time.” ASTD, 1995
Self-Management “Time Management is really a misnomer – the real challenge is not to manage time, but to manage yourself. ” -Stephen Covey
Your Relationship to Time: What’s Not Working? I never have time to…………………… I spend way too much time on…………. I don’t have well-defined goals for…………. One thing I wish I could do every day is……..
What’s Stopping You? ► Technical Errors ► External Realities ► Psychological Obstacles
Oh No! More Barriers ► Turning down requests for help ► Seeking approval ► Perfectionism ► Procrastination ► Delegation
Procrastination “Procrastination is the thief of time.”- Anon The Procrastination Pattern: A = Activating Event B = Belief System C = Consequence
Reasons for Procrastination Simple ReasonsComplex Reasons Too DifficultPerfectionism Time ConsumingAnger Lack of KnowledgeFrustration Tolerance FearsSelf - Doubting
Technical Causes of Procrastination ► Indecisive ► Not ready ► Overwhelmed ► Hating the Task ► Bad Timing ► Need Pressure
Practice Think of an activity on which you are procrastinating. Finish the next sentence. I’m delaying on ___________________because of _________________________________. I’m delaying on ___________________because of _________________________________. Now, List the…..And the…. Reasons for DelayArguments Against Delay Reasons for DelayArguments Against Delay 1. _________________1. _________________ 2. _________________2. _________________ 3. _________________3. _________________ 4. _________________4. _________________
Is there a cure for PROCRASTINATION? ► Realize you are delaying something unnecessarily. ► Discover the real reasons for your delay. ► BE HONEST with YOURSELF. ► Challenge those reasons and overcome them. ► Begin the task.
What’s Working? Why are these things working? ► Enjoyment or skill ► Any outside pressures ► Consider the time of day or amount of time spent ► Solitary vs. Collaborative
Dreams and Desires Goal Development Long-Term goals ► Simple and general Short-Term Goals ► Specific and related to attaining your long- term goals
Personal Goal Development Major Life Category Big Picture GoalSpecific Activities Self Get Healthy Exercise 3x’s week Family _____________ _______________ Work ____________________________ Relationships _____________ _______________ Finances ____________________________ Community ____________________________
Self Defense : Skills to Ward Off Time Wasters ► Prioritization ► Self-Esteem ► Assertiveness ► Communication ► Conflict
Prioritizing “The key is not to prioritize what’s on your schedule, but to schedule your priorities.” -Stephen Covey
Prioritization: How do you start? ► Establish Good Goals Demanding Achievable Specific & Measurable Deadline Conscious Agreed Upon Written Down Flexible
Short Term/Long Term ► Urgency ► Importance ► Stay on track with importance not necessarily urgent. Is it urgent to you or someone else? Does it line up with the strategic plan you have to achieve for that hour, that day, that week, that month?
Self Esteem ► Do you care about you? ► Do you count? ► Do your goals matter? ► How do you feel about yourself? ► Do you value your own contribution?
Assertiveness ► Can you present your needs in a systematic, assertive manner? ► Do you protect what is yours and not infringe on what is others?
Span of Control ► No ChoiceSome ChoiceTotal Freedom
Span of Control No ChoiceSome ChoiceTotal Freedom Do it. Needs to Happen.Open to choices on all Do it now.But when, how and levels. Do it to thesewhat specifications Specifications.are all discretionary. “Jump this high now” now”
Communication ► Can you “read” the other person? ► Do you pay attention to what they are doing instead of only what they are saying? ► Do you choose your words carefully?
Conflict Management Skills… are needed when: ► When one person asserts their boundaries… ► When one person steps into someone else’s domain… ► When someone speaks up to speak their mind. ► When one person senses not being heard.
The Balancing Act
Strategies ► ATTACK…Goal Development ► SORT…Prioritizing ► PURGE…Deleting ► CONTAINERIZE…Find “IT” a Home
Techniques ► Identify goals ► Make a “to-do” list and prioritize ► Know your barriers ► Practice saying “NO” ► Delegate work when possible ► Reward yourself for staying on track
Resources ► Time Management from the Inside Out by Julie Morgenstern ► First Thing First by Stephen Covey and Roger Merrill and Rebecca Merrill ► It’s About Time! The Six Styles of Procrastination and How to Overcome Them by Linda Sapadin and Jack Maguire