Supporting Learning With Digital Literacy
Goals of Meeting Information tools to share with your staff; launching survey on instruction using technology and service Open forum to discuss how you are using technology Discuss digital literacy frameworks Assemble committee to create assessment tools Dialogue about ePortfolios
Critical Areas of Focus
Digital Literacy is the interest, attitude and ability of individuals to appropriately use digital technology and communication tools to access, manage, integrate, analyze and evaluate information, construct new knowledge, create and communicate with others in order to participate effectively in society. BC’s Digital Literacy Characteristics Research and Information Fluency Critical Thinking, Problem Solving, and Decision Making Creativity and Innovation Digital Citizenship Communication and Collaboration Technology Operations and Concepts DIGITAL LITERACY CHARACTERISTICS
Impact of Technology on Instructional Practice
Access to Technology in Classrooms and the Library Mobility is key Should be device agnostic Trend moving into bring your own device Need clear learning goals Integrate digital components into instruction from digital resources, class web sites, video or online courses Align with development of Learning Commons in library
Strategic Goals K - 12 Expand literacy instruction to include digital and media literacy; higher level searching and critical thinking skills; digital citizenship and social media Embed blended learning strategies across the curriculum by assessing competencies on report cards Promote inquiry based learning with creation of rich media presentations Current projects in learning commons and BYOD
Inquiry Based Learning and Digital Literacy Across the Curriculum
Photo by lukew - Creative Commons Attribution License with Haiku Deck
Discussions Of the various components, which would be easiest for you to implement in your classroom? Which one or two elements would be the most challenging to implement and assess? How many teachers in your school are currently integrating digital literacy into their curriculum?
Dialogue on Digital Portfolios What is a Digital Portfolio? What would you have your students put in a digital portfolio? What features and functions do you think would be important for you and your students in a digital portfolio?