IAEA International Atomic Energy Agency The 34th Consultative Meeting of the INIS Liaison Officers (2008) Actions and Recommendations Status Report - October th Consultative Meeting of INIS Liaison Officers October 2010, Vienna Dobie Savi ć (INIS)
IAEA October th Consultative Meeting of INIS Liaison Officers 1 Technical cooperation Advanced INIS Training Seminar - Organized in Vienna, covered all aspects of INIS operations. 20 participants from 20 Member States attended A Regional (AFRA) Training Course - on the use, management and operation of INIS Centres was organized in cooperation with the IAEA’s Technical Cooperation Department. The course was held in South Africa and 23 participants from 20 AFRA Member States participated A National INIS Seminar, Tashkent (Uzbekistan) - To encourage further contributions to INIS and to disseminate information about the services available through the National Nuclear Information Centre of Uzbekistan; 40 participants attended TC projects – Burkina Faso, Niger and Uzbekistan continued; new one started in Kyrgyzstan The 34th Consultative Meeting of the INIS Liaison Officers, 3–5 November 2008, Vienna Actions and Recommendations, Status Report - October 2010
IAEA October th Consultative Meeting of INIS Liaison Officers 2 Agenda Item 1.1: Comprehensiveness of the INIS Database new records were added in Over new records will be added by the end of this year 3.3 million records in the INIS Database 57,985 bibliographic records from core AIP, Elsevier, IOPP and Springer journals have been added and indexed by INIS subject specialists in During January-September 2010 another 58,955 bibliographic records from journals have been added The Conference Authority Tool was finalised and loaded with the data from the last 5 years. Records from the Meetings of Atomic Energy database and the IAEA Library were compared with the INIS database, and missing conferences identified. Nine Member States have been analysed so far and lists of missing conferences sent for review Special voluntary contribution project: - In 2009 France continued its special voluntary contribution project, identifying missing conferences, downloading full text documents (if allowed by copyright), and preparing bibliographic records which are then delivered to INIS together with the full texts - Argentina joined this initiative and started to work on a big conference taking place there - In 2009, a total of 3,266 records (2,866 from France and 400 from Argentina) of conference literature have been produced on a voluntary basis. In 2010 (Jan-Sep) France produced 1692 records and Argentina 100 records The 34th Consultative Meeting of the INIS Liaison Officers, 3–5 November 2008, Vienna Actions and Recommendations, Status Report - October 2010
IAEA October th Consultative Meeting of INIS Liaison Officers 3 Agenda Item 2.3: Digital Preservation In 2009, the digitization of 86,619 reports on microfiche (4,3 million pages, 107 GB of data) has been completed. This included the NCL on microfiche of the 28 countries and organizations. Each Member State was provided with a copy of their digitized NCL collection. The full-texts are also available through the INIS online database Since the beginning of the project, 193,102 reports on microfiche (9,9 million pages, 226 GB of data) have been digitized. This represents about 62% of the INIS NCL collection on microfiche. The total number of pages left to be digitized is estimated at 3,5 million Another achievement is the result of cooperation between INIS and the US National Centre. After the digitization of several thousands US NCL reports by the INIS Secretariat, the US Department of Energy Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI), reviewed its collection and authorized open access to the full text of over 30,000 reports through the INIS Online Database OCR is done on Latin, and Cyrillic characters; Chinese (Simplified), Japanese, Korean, Hebrew and Thai. The collections of China and Korea have been reprocessed and the Japan collection was completed Other digitization projects completed in 2009 include: All back volumes of the English, French and Spanish versions of the ‘IAEA Bulletin’, and Digitization of Member States’ technical reports The 34th Consultative Meeting of the INIS Liaison Officers, 3–5 November 2008, Vienna Actions and Recommendations, Status Report - October 2010
IAEA October th Consultative Meeting of INIS Liaison Officers 4 Agenda Item 2.4: Thesaurus and Subject Categories China, France, Germany, the Russian Federation, Spain and the Syrian Arab Republic translated the additions and changes to the vocabulary of controlled terminology, which have been uploaded to the Multilingual Thesaurus In May 2009 and April 2010, new revisions of the Multilingual Thesaurus produced for: - Monolingual versions of the thesaurus including the full thesaurus hierarchy - Multilingual dictionaries without thesaurus hierarchy - Interactive Multilingual Thesaurus with navigation capabilities including the full thesaurus hierarchy The recent revisions and the interactive Multilingual Thesaurus are now available on the INIS public website. They are based on the Joint Thesaurus of the ETDE/INIS Joint Reference Series No. 1 (Rev. 2.3), April 2010, and will be updated every year The interactive multilingual thesaurus is part of the online INIS database search interface The JTC meeting in 2009 recommended: - updating the INIS thesaurus in electronic form and discontinuing the printed version - commended the Subject Categories Working Group on the work accomplished - supported the immediate implementation of four new subject categories The ETDE/INIS Joint Reference Series (ETDE/INIS-02) Subject categories and Scope Descriptions Rev. 1 (October 2010) have been published as interactive HTML document on the INIS public website The 34th Consultative Meeting of the INIS Liaison Officers, 3–5 November 2008, Vienna Actions and Recommendations, Status Report - October 2010
IAEA October th Consultative Meeting of INIS Liaison Officers 5 Agenda Item 2.5: User Needs Study Ghana, Japan, Nigeria and Uzbekistan completed user needs studies and the results will be presented at this ILO meeting The 34th Consultative Meeting of the INIS Liaison Officers, 3–5 November 2008, Vienna Actions and Recommendations, Status Report - October 2010 Agenda Item 3.1: INIS Database Usage Analysis During the last JTC meeting a subgroup was formed to define INIS/ETDE metrics for measuring the usage of the databases Participants of the subgroup are: ETDE. Members: Denmark, Japan, Germany, IAEA Some preliminary results will be reported at this ILO meeting
IAEA October th Consultative Meeting of INIS Liaison Officers 6 Agenda Item 3.2: INIS Joint Marketing Plan A new INIS flyer and a poster have been produced The concept of the INIS Newsletter was revised, brining shorter and more targeted issues Seven new topical CDs were created A customisable INIS flyer template was designed All promotional materials were provided to national INIS centre to assist them with their outreach activities The 34th Consultative Meeting of the INIS Liaison Officers, 3–5 November 2008, Vienna Actions and Recommendations, Status Report - October 2010 Agenda Item 3.3: Sharing Experience in Promotion and Marketing among INIS Members Sharing of promotion and marketing experiences between national INIS centres was facilitated by making contributions from ILOs available at the “INIS in the World” on the INIS website The INIS Secretariat encourages other Members to make use of these materials and to make their own contributions
IAEA October th Consultative Meeting of INIS Liaison Officers 7 Agenda Item 3.4: INIS Database Enhancements The Quick Reference Guide to the INIS Database on Internet was updated and placed on the web Complete Database (1970 – 2008) was made available to Member States on 2 DVD's, replacing the 11 CD-ROM's used previously Monthly updates on CD-ROM and on FTP are provided regularly A new set of 2 DVD’s with some enhancements will be released soon The 34th Consultative Meeting of the INIS Liaison Officers, 3–5 November 2008, Vienna Actions and Recommendations, Status Report - October 2010 Agenda Item 3.5: 40 years of Cooperation between IAEA and OECD/NEA Data Bank INIS continued the cooperative arrangement with the OECD/NEA Data Bank, and several IAEA Member States that are not OECD members, benefited from these services From January 2009 to September 2010, 664 program packages were provided to 33 non OECD Member States and the international organizations, including IAEA The number of programs distributed originating in non-OECD members and in international organizations during that same period was new or updated computer packages were received from non-OECD Member and from international organizations
IAEA October th Consultative Meeting of INIS Liaison Officers 8 Agenda Item 3.6: Opening Free Access to the INIS Database and NCL The INIS Secretariat conducted a survey asking the ILOs for their approval to open the free access. Based on the results of this survey the Secretariat opened the access worldwide to the INIS DB and NCL in April 2009 Open access to the INIS Database required modifications and consolidation to ensure reliability under significantly increased usage New full-text search capability based on Google technology is available online as pilot INIS production process uses new hardware and software platform, allowing efficient and effective maintainability of the system, and opens new opportunities for further developments, e.g. XML and Unicode INIS NCL Collection management system completed, allowing elimination of discrepancies between INIS bibliographic data and full text documents The 34th Consultative Meeting of the INIS Liaison Officers, 3–5 November 2008, Vienna Actions and Recommendations, Status Report - October 2010
IAEA October th Consultative Meeting of INIS Liaison Officers 9 Agenda Item 5.1: CDS Invenio Results of testing CDS Invenio using a subset of INIS database (bibliographic and full text records) were encouraging Google Search Appliance (GSA) became meanwhile the IAEA organization-wide standard and it was installed for full text search of INIS NCL collection GSA available online in test mode; Expected to become fully operational for searching both the bibliographic and the full text NCL records The 34th Consultative Meeting of the INIS Liaison Officers, 3–5 November 2008, Vienna Actions and Recommendations, Status Report - October 2010 Agenda Item 5.2: Data Capture and Analysis Tools In December 2009 the Metadata Extraction Tool, Version 3.0, was developed and implemented; Used for all bibliographic record creation within the INIS Secretariat Specifications have been worked out for: - MET version 3.1: XML compliance (to be completed by the end of 2010) - MET version 4.0: remote usage and distribution to Member States (planned for 2011 or later) Computer-assisted Indexing (CAI) available to Member States both in batch mode and online (remote) use Used by 23 Member States; In 2009 a total of 11,890 records processed by Member States in batch mode and 9519 in 2010; Remote mode was used for 5431 records in 2009, and for 3690 records in 2010
IAEA October th Consultative Meeting of INIS Liaison Officers 10 Agenda Item 5.4: Implementation of XML Format XML output format used as of 1 January 2010 and efforts are made to have, starting with the input, a complete INIS production process based on XML In order to accommodate requests from some INIS Member States, Atomindex exchange format (ISO 2709) was supported until the end of June 2010 and thereafter discontinued The 34th Consultative Meeting of the INIS Liaison Officers, 3–5 November 2008, Vienna Actions and Recommendations, Status Report - October 2010 Agenda Item 5.7: Operational Model for the Agency’s Nuclear Information System INIS public website and Members’ area redesigned and converted to a new Web Content Management System Easier navigation through the web pages and improved look and feel Faster and easier maintenance
IAEA October th Consultative Meeting of INIS Liaison Officers 11 Thank you!