Parent/Caregiver Information Evening Focus: self regulated learning 6 August 2013
A Self Regulated Learner: Sets & monitors personal goals Controls their own learning environment to stay on task Monitors, adjusts & self assesses their progress against exemplars, criteria & models Reflects regularly for a variety of purposes Can co-construct & articulate their next learning step/s Utilises appropriate strategies at crucial times in their learning Is motivated & engaged Develops time management skills Is a confident learner Is meta-cognitive (knows how they learn best) 3
Effective teaching practice that develops learners self regulation skills: – sharing the learning intentions in kids speak – developing success criteria together – giving quality formative feedback – setting goals daily – monitoring progress against success criteria, goals and exemplars – providing frequent reflection opportunities – sharing progress during performance/sharing time – self-assessment opportunities – peer assessment opportunities – developing next learning steps together – helping students develop personalised timetables – providing a variety of learning spaces – providing SRL tools (STARS, carrels, baroque music …) – Including student voice & choice – utilising digital tools to enhance learning 4
The use of individual notebook computers allow students to: to have access to Web 2.0 tools throughout the school day, and at home, allowing an authentic integration of ICT tools to enhance learning to have connections between the home and school and allow students to undertake ‘any time’ learning to provide greater opportunities for global connections and ‘real world’ personally meaningful investigations to develop personal e-portfolios in context throughout their learning journey & eventually reporting to parents/caregivers will be in context and ongoing allows student interests and needs to be more easily catered for 6