1 Tutor : Effective Management of Teams Overnight and Overseas
Introduction Welcome Emergency procedures Domestics Workshop overview Log Books & Action Plan 2
Workshop 1 The foundations of effective team management Workshop 1 The foundations of effective team management Workshop 2 managing teams during overnight stays & overseas Workshop 3 managing National teams at Major events Team Manager Development Pathway 3
During this module you will: Review the key roles and responsibilities of the team manager Explore how perception affects communication & relationships Consider planning and operational issues for managing teams Assess and manage risks Identify methods of improving relationships with key ‘players’ Compare current methods with best practice and Identify areas for improvement and future development 4
“The Team Manager is responsible for everything around the field of play – not on it!” Craig Hunter - British Swimming Olympic Team Manager
Roles & Responsibilities Planner Administrator Negotiator Communicator Coordinator Liaison officer Purchaser Accountant Leader Guide Travel agent Carer Welfare officer Confidant /Friend Enforcer Safety coordinator Record keeper etc
Planning your ‘journey’ Success is a journey not a destination! 7
Review the scenario and decide what planning and preparation you need to do to and what action you will take to ensure your training camp runs smoothly Group 1 Travel - door to door Group 2 Accommodation & Catering - Hotel Group 3Communication - before, during & after Group 4Budget - whole trip “Start with the end in mind” Stephen R Covey 8 Activity 1 - Groups
Assessing Risk Considering the last scenario list the potential hazards and carry out a risk assessment for one of the hazards you have identified 9 Activity 2 - Groups
Potential Hazard Who may be harmed Control Measures Review Date What are they? Who’s responsible? When? Name: Signature: Date: 10
But what if... You are at a UK event and one of your performers is badly injured and needs emergency medical attention. You call 999 and get through to an answer phone message indicating that your call is important and that an operator will be with you shortly! What do you do now? 11 Activity 3 - Groups
But what if... On the evening prior to the start of UK competition you receive a report that two junior athletes are nowhere to be found when team members should be in their rooms at the agreed curfew. After an extensive search they are found together in a compromising position in the team's meeting room. What actions would you take? 12
What do you see? Perceptions shape your feelings "Life is the movie you see through your own eyes. It makes little difference what's happening out there. It's how you take it that counts." Denis Waitley: High-performance achievement expert 13
What’s important to you? Consider the things that are most important to you about your role in sport Write down a list of at least 12 of these things…more if you can! Now we’ll rank them order of importance and look at how these may impact on your relationships 14 Activity 4 - Individual
Creating positive relationships Think of someone with whom you have a great working relationship What is it about them that you like? What are the reasons you have such a great rapport? 15 Activity 5 - Individual
Who do you need to influence? Developing Relationships Influencing Others 16
But what if... You are managing a regional team travelling by plane to an event in Germany. The players do not keep their baggage receipts and two of them can’t find their bags on the carousel when they get off the flight. What do you do? 17 Activity 6 - Groups
But what if... You are staying with your team at a 4* hotel. You've had regular meetings with hotel management and the chef regarding dietary requirements. On the third day of your stay an athlete, who has a nut allergy, eats some apple pie which contains ground nuts. The teams’ medic has gone to a meeting 50 miles away and is not contactable. The local hospital is 20 minutes away by car. What would you do? 18
SWOT Strengths Things you are good at Weaknesses Things you do not handle well or need to improve on Opportunities Any changes or circumstances that might affect you positively Threats Any changes or circumstances that might hinder your progress Activity 7 - Individual 19
Action From what you have learned today, list the action you will take When? With Whom? How will you do that? 20
Where next? CPD Managing the budget Conflict resolution Injury prevention & management Time Management Presentation skills/public speaking Make contact with key people Attend CPD Attend Workshop 3 Managing teams at Major Events (by NGB invitation only) 21
Useful Contacts Effective Team Management online resource and appendices Know before you go campaign ww.fco.gov.uk/en/travel- and-living-abroad/about-kbyg-campaignww.fco.gov.uk/en/travel- and-living-abroad/about-kbyg-campaign 22
Did we meet our objectives? Review the key roles and responsibilities of the team manager Explore how perception affects communication & relationships Consider planning and operational issues for managing teams Assess and manage risks Identify methods of improving relationships with key ‘players’ Compare current methods with best practice and Identify areas for improvement and future development 23