EAPP summer camp Turning Point In Our Life Location : North Coast Date :1 st to 3rd of November in 2013 The Place : Aida Beach
FMC Fun And Motivation In The Camp
Change our life A New friendship Fun The goals
Sessions Communication Skills Self ConfidenceFinal ThoughtsMake Decision Time Management
Time Management 1)The types of time 2) how you can manage your time 3)Things that make you fail in time management 4)Advantages of time management
Benefits Of Time Management Healthy Efficient successful
Make decision:- Make decision :- it means some one choose some thing or decide to do some thing in his life Ex: get married, new job, new car,……… To do it you have to use 6 hats
A white hat A green hat A black hat it is used to record information creative thinking it is used for critical judgment A red hat A yellow hatA blue hat about process control for a positive view of things Feelings and emotions
The funny activity in the session
Self Confidence Success Self confidence 1)How can you develop self confidence 2)What can destroy your confidence 3)How self confidence help us
Destroy your problems and weakness !
mind mapping helps us to :- 1)Manage our thoughts 2)Get new ideas 3)Attach ideas together 4)Organize your memory 5)Get a final point (final thought)
Communication Skills SpeakingListening
Communication skills Good listening = good communication Poor listening makes communication impossible Good speaking = good understandingBad speaking = miss understanding
Advice to live happy life :- 1)Have a target and put a time plan 2)Be tolerant 3)Think positively 4)Do exercise 5)Enjoy your life