Time “Management”
Time Management We cannot actually “manage time”, but we can manage our activities in the time we have.
Time Management Can not “make time” Can not “manage” time Can manage our activity
Time Management Prioritize Do most important first Resist doing easiest
Time Management Use a Calendar Consider deadlines Don’t over schedule
Time Management Keep Important from becoming Crisis Control over important No control over crisis Loss of control Loss of efficiency
Time Management To Do Lists Prioritize and schedule for today New list at end of day Schedule activities needing time
Time Management Act Now on Communication Answer Schedule File (even scheduled s) Trash But Do It Now!
Time Management “No”…“No”…“No”… Trouble saying “No”? Do a few things well, not a lot of things badly
Time Management Delegate Barriers Advantages
Time Management Tend to Basic Needs Sleep Recreation/exercise Socializing Intellectual pursuits Spirituality Balance is necessary.
Time Management ???