Capitalize names of people, titles used in front of a person’s name, places, days, months, holidays, and special events. Grammar Rule of the Week
Vocabulary Word: Altercation (n)—a noisy dispute Sentence Correction: The altercation on friday between joe and sam was recorded on cell phones and posted on the internet over the labor day weekend.
Vocabulary Word: Aborigine (n)—an original inhabitant Sentence Correction: The aborigines of north america celebrated thanksgiving with the pilgrims.
Vocabulary Word: Amalgam (n)—a mixture of different elements Sentence Correction: The amalgam of students at mt. tabor is a good picture of diversity.
Explain how this picture demonstrates the EXTERNAL CONFLICT (Man vs Nature). Give specific details from the picture.
Journal #1: Write two good paragraphs in formal writing (No contractions! ) Begin your entry with, “If we had gone a different way…” and tell the story of this picture.
Capitalize names of nationalities, languages, direction words referring to parts of the country, school subjects named after a country or followed by a Roman numeral, and the first and all important words in titles of books. Grammar Rule of the Week
Vocabulary Word: Ambrosial (adj)—delicious; fragrant; divine Sentence Correction: According to the cookbook, the food of greece, the food in southern greece is ambrosial.
Vocabulary Word: Ambulatory (adj)—able to walk or move Sentence Correction: The french patient was ambulatory after the surgery; he fell in love with the american nurse.
Vocabulary Word: Apex (n)—highest point, summit Sentence Correction: The apex of the book around the world in eighty days was when phileas fogg almost lost his bet.
Explain how this picture demonstrates INTERNAL CONFLICT (Man vs Self). Give specific details from the picture to support your answer.
Use apostrophes to show ownership, form contractions, and in place of omitted numbers in a year. Grammar Rule of the Week
Vocabulary Word: Bedlam (n)—uproar; confusion Sentence Correction: The teachers class was bedlam; it took five administrators to control it.
Vocabulary Word: Bellicose (adj)—warlike; quarrelsome Sentence Correction: The students bellicose behavior made the teacher send him out of class.
Vocabulary Word: Bona fide (adj) – made in good faith; genuine Sentence Correction: The teenagers offer to wash the dishes was a bona fide one, even though he didnt follow through on it.
Identify the flashbacks in the following scene and what effect they have on the viewer.
Journal #2: Write two good paragraphs in formal writing (No contractions!)
Fragments may lack a subject, verb, or both, or may be punctuated incorrectly to form an incomplete thought. Grammar Rule of the Week
Vocabulary Word: Brouhaha (n)—hubbub; uproar; furor Sentence Correction: Creating a brouhaha in class.
Vocabulary Word: Buffoon (n)—a clown, comedian, or laughable person Sentence Correction: The buffoon in first period.
Vocabulary Word: Cacophonous (adj)—harsh- sounding or confused-sounding Sentence Correction: The cacophonous music was coming from.
Explain how the following video clip from the 1975 JAWS movie shows FORESHADOWING. Give specific details from the clip.
A run-on sentence is two or more complete sentences written as though they were one sentence; a comma splice is a type of run-on with only a comma separating the two sentences. Grammar Rule of the Week
Vocabulary Word: Circumvent (v)—to avoid by going around; to encircle; to outwit Sentence Correction: Many people believe that you cannot circumvent your fate, others believe that you have no fate.
Vocabulary Word: Cogitate (v)—to ponder or think intently Sentence Correction: The teacher encouraged the students to cogitate about the question many students answered quickly.
Vocabulary Word: Comatose (adj)—unconscious; inactive Sentence Correction: After the surgery, Tom was comatose, he was moved to intensive care.
Explain how the following video clips demonstrate different MOODS. Give specific details from the clips. Divide your box like this: Original Mary Poppins TrailerRemix Mary Poppins Trailer
Journal #3: Write two good paragraphs in formal writing (No contractions!)
Use commas to separate three or more items in a series, two or more adjectives before a noun, or to separate parts of a date. Grammar Rule of the Week
Vocabulary Word Cryptic (adj)—secret; mysterious Sentence Correction: The cryptic message was received with worry confusion and anticipation.
Vocabulary Word: Debonair (adj)—charming, light-hearted Sentence Correction: Handsome charming John is considered to be debonair by the girls in his class.
Vocabulary Word: Demagogue (n)—leader who promises things to people to gain power Sentence Correction: The demagogue Hitler took power on January in germany.
Explain the symbolism of one part of the Great Seal the back of the dollar bill. The Pyramid— 13 levels, unfinished The Eye 1776
Use commas to set off a noun in a direct address, set off appositives and non-essential clauses, and after an introductory adverb clause. Grammar Rule of the Week
Vocabulary Word: Disheveled (adj)--untidy Sentence Correction: When you are living in my house a disheveled room is not allowed.
Vocabulary Word: Doggerel (n)—loose, irregular verse; bad poetry Sentence Correction: The book of doggerel poems written by terrible poets is not read by many people.
Vocabulary Word: Dulcet (adj)—sweet; melodious, soothing Sentence Correction: Sally is warm milk or soft music more dulcet before trying to sleep?
Describe the setting (time and place) in this picture, giving specific details to support your description.
Journal #4: Write two good paragraphs in formal writing (No contractions!), finishing the story… Begin your story with, “A hand reached out of the mist, startling her….”
Use a singular verb with a singular subject and a plural verb with a plural subject. Grammar Rule of the Week
Vocabulary Word: Egregious (adj)—flagrant; out of the ordinary Sentence Correction: The boys wants to confess to the egregious mistake.
Vocabulary Word: Emaciated (adj)—painfully thin; wasted Sentence Correction: The class are shocked at the pictures of the emaciated children in Africa, they decides to raise money for them.
Vocabulary Word: Exodus (n)—a mass departure Sentence Correction: The roaches is running from behind the refrigerator in an exodus.
Explain how this picture demonstrates an ALLUSION.
Subjects joined by and take a plural verb. Singular subjects joined by or or nor take singular verbs. Grammar Rule of the Week
Vocabulary Word: Expletive (n)—an obscenity; offensive language Sentence Correction: Susie and Sally uses an expletive towards their teacher, they was suspended for the infraction.
Vocabulary Word: Expunge (v)—to strike out; to erase; to remove Sentence Correction: Neither the teacher nor the administrator agree to expunge the zero given for cheating.
Vocabulary Word: Fiasco (n)—a failure Sentence Correction: The players and the fans agrees that the game was a fiasco.
Explain how this pictures shows an IDIOM and what it means.
Journal #5: Write two good paragraphs in formal writing (No contractions!), finishing the story… Begin your story with, “A hand reached out of the mist, startling her….”