Chapter 13: The Rise of Rome Lesson 4 – The Daily Life of Romans Jedi Journal (Learning Target Notes)
8. I can understand how Roman families and society were organized. 1.Extended families lived and worked on farms. 2.The head of the family was the father. 3.The father’s power was limited by public opinion and custom. 4.Roman women were expected to take care of household duties. 5.Children received some education. 6.Girls married by age 14, while boys married later. 7.The patricians and plebeians evolved into several social classes: Upper – patricians and some wealthy plebeians; Middle – business leaders and government officials; Lower – farmers; Lowest – slaves.
9. I can trace the influence of other cultures on Roman religious beliefs. 1.Romans adopted the Etruscan idea of gods in human form. 2.Also adopted Etruscan rituals designed to predict the future. 3.Romans borrowed many gods from the Greeks. 4.Jupiter became the early Romans supreme god. 5.Like in Egypt, religion and government were connected. 5. The Roman leaders were viewed as gods just like the pharaohs in Egypt.
10. I can describe what life was like in Roman cities. 1.At its height, Rome had over 1 million people living there. 2.This mix of people from different cultures produced a blend of ideas and customs. 3.Rome’s city center was crowded, dirty, and noisy. 4.Most people were poor, did not work, and had very little to eat. 5.Fires were a big concern. 6.The wealthy lived a life of luxury with plenty to eat and lots of entertainment. 7.The Romans built sewer and plumbing sanitation systems. 8. Public baths were an important part of city life.