Classifying Organisms Mr. Ecklund 7/8 Grade Science
Why do Scientists Classify? Imagine a grocery store… How are they organized? What would happen if they were not organized? How is your life organized?
Why do Scientists Classify? Almost 2 million kinds of organisms on Earth Need to keep organized! (Easier to study!) Classification = process of grouping things based on their similarities
Why do Scientists Classify? Taxonomy =scientific study of how living things are classified Useful because: once classified, scientists will know a lot about an organism
Early Classification Systems Aristotle (4 th century B.C.) -observed animals -watched appearance, behavior, movement -fly, swim, and walk/crawl/run -observed similarities and differences -used differences to divide into smaller subgroups
Linnaeus Carolus Linnaeus (1750s) -used observations as basis of his system -placed organisms based on observable features Devised naming system for organisms: Binomial Nomenclature
Linnaeus =2 part naming system -uses Latin words Genus speciesFelis concolor Genus is capitalized; species is NOT. If you can’t italicize, underline the genus and species!
Classification Today Species with similar evolutionary histories are classified more closely together. -when organisms share a common ancestor, they share an evolutionary history
Levels of Classification -based on contributions of both Aristotle and Linnaeus There are 7 levels of classification. Remember the first letter of this sentence: King Philip Chases Old Fat Girl Scouts.
7 Levels of Classification Kingdom broadest level Phylum Class Order Family Genus Speciesmost specific
Using the Classification System Field guides help identify organisms. -they highlight differences between similar organisms (like trees) Taxonomic Key (AKA Dichotomous Key) -paired statements that describe the physical characteristics of different organisms
Taxonomic Key 1. Fruits occur singly Go to 3 1. Fruits occur singly Go to 3 1' Fruits occur in clusters of two or more Go to 2 1' Fruits occur in clusters of two or more Go to 2 2. Fruits are round Grapes 2. Fruits are round Grapes 2' Fruits are elongate Bananas 2' Fruits are elongate Bananas 3. Thick skin that separates easily from flesh Oranges 3. Thick skin that separates easily from flesh Oranges 3' Thin skin that adheres to flesh Go to 4 3' Thin skin that adheres to flesh Go to 4 4. More than one seed per fruit Apples 4. More than one seed per fruit Apples 4' One seed per fruit Go to 5 4' One seed per fruit Go to 5 5. Skin covered with velvety hairs Peaches 5. Skin covered with velvety hairs Peaches 5' Skin smooth, without hairs Plums 5' Skin smooth, without hairs Plums