UNCLASSIFIED 1 DOD Plans Coordination: Lessons Learned for Exercises The J-7/JOWPD Perspective 25 Aug 2009 Joint Staff J-7/JOWPD
UNCLASSIFIED 2 Plans Lessons Learned Overview Plans Approach The Customer is Always Right –Focus on the user experience –Brand/Standardize products and services –Market –Provide (Customer) value Recommended Plans TTP Unify DOD participants Invest unilateral labor and effort Invest time Do the required systems analysis
UNCLASSIFIED 3 Frequency of Coordination Future Goals ’99 Original Process 2006 QDR 2008 GEF 2010 GEF-II QDR First sanctioned coordination IA Content added at end of planning process Limited use of process “Work Hand in Glove…” BPC Roadmap Increased coordination in the R&S functional area TCP Prototypes Coordination rules IA Plans Coordination Initiated Roadmap for more coordination Limited Tasking of Coordination AP Roadmap II Unified approach to planning Supports early, frequent and thorough integration with Partners 1)Interagency plans coordination has increased in frequency and quality over ten yrs 2)Content/Functionality remains primitive compared to DOD process 3)Continued lack of institutionalization 1)Interagency plans coordination has increased in frequency and quality over ten yrs 2)Content/Functionality remains primitive compared to DOD process 3)Continued lack of institutionalization Legacy Coordination (Annex V) Process Post-GEF Process We are Here 2 x Theater Campaign Plan Interagency Prototypes Background Next-Gen Process
UNCLASSIFIED 4 OSD Joint Staff COCOM Civilian Agency Civilian Department Civilian Agency A flexible coordination program to meet COCOM planner needs DOD speaks with one voice COCOM plan requirements + OSD Equity + JS Equity A managed, department-wide process for coordination J-7 Role/Approach to Coordination DOD Component Roles Coordination Approach: One DOD Voice
UNCLASSIFIED 5 J-7 Role/Approach to Coordination DOD Support for Plans Coordination In proportion to resource level Preparatory Research Integration Analysis Venue and Admin. Support Support but not Ownership DOD Talking Points; Seeking to align DOD with wider US Foreign Policy” “We are inviting you to impact our plans” DOD Planning Resources Civilian Agency Resources DOD Supports the Bridge Coordination Approach: DOD Does the Lifting
UNCLASSIFIED 6 Coordination Process Pitch Coordination Process Buy-in Plan Introduction/Plan Framework Collaborative Action/ Agreements Plan Overview/Plan Highlights Red Flags Review/Deconfliction Plan Ideas/Suggestions Plan Premise Buy-in Repeated Planning Collaboration/Consultation Growing Planning Partnerships Group dynamics apply A personality-based system Time Progression Information on Civilian Policy and Programs Coordination Approach: DOD Invests Time
UNCLASSIFIED 7 Coordination Content Coordination Process Pitch Coordination Process Buy-in Plan Introduction/Plan Framework Collaborative Action/ Agreements Plan Overview/Plan Highlights Red FlagsReview/Deconfliction Plan Ideas/Suggestions Plan Premise Buy-in Repeated Planning Collaboration/Consultation
UNCLASSIFIED 8 Integration Integration is a labor-intensive issue set for plans coordination Situation Assessment Goal or Objective Method of Operating Timelines for Taking Action Span of Interest Timeline Budget Timeline/System Senior-Level Buy-in Planning Culture/Lexicon Time and Staff for Planning Situation Assessment Operational Objective Operational Concept Operational Timelines Span of Interest Timeline Budget Timeline/System Senior-Level Buy-in Planning Culture/Lexicon Time and Staff for Planning DOD Civilian Agencies Coordination Approach: Search for Integration Points
UNCLASSIFIED 9 Plans Lessons and Exercise Considerations Common reference “map” required for discussion –Where in the exercise world is the discussion –What functionality are we talking about Plans and Exercises: Similar restricted IA functionality –Very limited real dual-benefit operational training –What benefits do occur tend to be non-standard –Benefits tend to be short-lived Lack of common operational TOR and doctrinal integration across agencies; what model of working together are we trying to achieve?
UNCLASSIFIED 10 Potential Actions USG Partner Exercise Coordination Offices –A managed approach –Capture lessons –Oversee development of training goals over time –Track trained personnel –Provide user feedback DOD Branding –Take advantage of a priceless opportunity to sell USG success –Track and reward participation (and request and build) –Introduce common instruction Set a Common Exercise Vision to work towards –Common operational terms of reference drive decisions on content –Aligned operational capabilities provide for mutually beneficial excercise 50/50 Common Exercise –Reduce DOD training expectations to “meet in the middle” –Start with their requirements and don’t call it an exercise
UNCLASSIFIED 11 Vision/Way Ahead Exercises Could Start to Be About USG Civilians not With USG Civilians
UNCLASSIFIED 12 Questions?
UNCLASSIFIED 13 Way Ahead Designate a Plans Coord POC/Position Designate a Plans Coord Lead Office Establish a repeatable Plans Coord Process Refine process and inform plans integration Wish List for Civilian Agencies Increase institutionalization of process