Warm Up (True or False Style) Please write the whole question and identify if true of false… When giving commands involving the body, one should state the action first then identify the person. When indentifying someone present, the first thing you must IDENTIFY is their gender. A BCL is when a part of the body (usually hands) show how an object is manipulated. This is also c=glossed in quotation marks and are in italics. When describing something that is small, “CHA” is your NMS.
5 minutes voices off What did you do this weekend? You should be signing for the entire time- if you are not signing you will lose participation points
FS Practice 8&feature=related 8&feature=related Fingerspell the number, name, and artist
Key Learning: Introductions and Greetings Unit Essential Question: 1:A How does one produce an introduction in ASL? Concept: Introductions Concept: Alphabet Concept: Numbers Concept: Grammar/Culture Lesson Essential Questions: 1)How does one introduce oneself? 2)How does one discuss days and weather? 3)How does one ask who someone is? Lesson Essential Questions: 1)How does one fingerspell the alphabet? 2)How does one produce the moving letter “Z” 3)How does one produce the moving letter “J” 4)How does one fingerspell double letters 5)How does one produce downward letters? 6)How does one differentiate between fist letters? Lesson Essential Questions: 1)How does one count from ? 2)How are numbers used in conjunction with other signs? 3)How are stamping, falling forward, and rocking used when signing numbers? Lesson Essential Questions: 1)How does one write in gloss? 2)What are the perceived notions of ASL and Deaf Culture? 3)What is the timeline of Deaf history? 4)What are the 5 parameters of ASL? a.Vocabulary: NICE MEET YOU b.WHO c.NAME WHAT d.Weather and days of the week Vocabulary: a.Fist letters b.Bouncing c.Sliding d.Downward letters e.Moving letters Vocabulary: a.Cardinal #s b.Rocking #s c.Ordinal #’s d.Stamping e.Falling forward Vocabulary: a.Eye contact b.Non Manual Signals c.Gloss d.Handshape e.Location f.Palm Orientation g.Movement
Review- Concept 1 How do you introduce yourself? How does one discuss days and weather? How does one ask who someone is?
Concept 1 Vocab ME NAME _______ WHO YOU YOU NAME WHAT Know the weather and days of the week (think daily intro)
Concept 2- Fingerspelling How does one fingerspell the alphabet? How does one produce the moving letter? How does one fingerspell double letters? How does one produce downward letters? How does one differentiate between fist letters?
Concept 2 Vocab Fist letters Bouncing Sliding Downward letters Moving letters
Concept 3- numbers How does one count from 1-100? How are numbers used in conjunction with other signs? How are stamping, falling forward, and rocking used when signing numbers?
Concept 3 Vocab Cardinal #s Rocking #s Ordinal #’s Stamping Falling forward
Concept 4 Culture/Grammar How does one write in gloss? What are the perceived notions of ASL and Deaf Culture? What is the timeline of Deaf history? What are the 5 parameters of ASL?
Concept 4 Vocab Eye contact Non Manual Signals Gloss Handshape Location Palm Orientation Movement
Gloss- Helpful Hints Don’ts Never use am/is/are/was/were/ (linking verbs) Never use word-endings/suffixes/prefixes point for personal PN’s Don’t use articles. (a, an, some, the) Don’t use prepositions! (about, to, for, on, above,)- --Use rhetorical sentences instead-- Don’t use I, use me No gerunds. (-ing) No infinitives. (to)
Gloss- Helpful Hints Do’s Write the big picture first(concept) and then add the details Capitalize when writing in ASL gloss Write in the Present tense Use a hyphen between two English words that are signed as one Adjectives are usually AFTER what they describe. WH-questions are normally at theEND For Classifiers use (CL:5claw) For FS loan signs use (#bus) When using the signed question mark write QM not ?
Manual Behaviors - = 2 English words with 1 sign fs- = fingerspell #= lexicalized word WORD= ASL sign += compound signs “”= gesture like signs !! Emphasized signs ++ = repetition of a sign IX= index IX-loc= there POSS= possessive adjective
Non Manual Behaviors = WH question = role shifting left side right side = yes/no question = affirmative answers = negation answer = topic Oo= small or thin Mm= medium/relaxed Ee= close by Cha= large lf rt whq q nod neg t oo, mm, ee, cha
Identify a person Signer A: Spell a name, ask whose name it is Signer B: identify who (raise eyebrows) Gender Brief description Point out and glance A: Glance and head nod B: Affirm
Command with an Object Commanding someone to complete a task Object + Person + Action Identify the object first Identify who you are addressing Identify what the action is Make a 3 flap foldable! Object, Person, and Action should be on the top of the flap Open it up and see the vocabulary that goes with that concept!
What is role shifting used for? Comparing and contrasting concepts Listing Referencing later DVD practice Role Shifting
Use your IX to point Can refer back to this point later Reference Point