RADAR Roadmap: The application of EPrints for the continued development of RADAR at The Glasgow School of Art Open Repositories Conference 2014, Helsinki Dr Robin Burgess
“Welcome to RADAR, our new repository, it’s better than Filemaker, with improved functionality”
Objectives A recap on the RADAR developments RADAR, our outputs repository Continued support from EPrints and the EPrints community Moving forwards with RADAR The RADAR Roadmap Next steps and lesson learnt Questions for EPrints
RADAR - Recap In 2011 GSA embarked on the development of a research repository using EPrints technology, funded by JISC The interface was supported through web technologies provided by ScreenMedia The funding allowed GSA to produce a whole new repository, replacing the previous Filemaker system EPrints chosen as the preferred software Links made with the Kultivate Project 2013 saw improved uptake and deposits in RADAR
RADAR, Our Repository
Continued Support
Continued Development Determining the new requirements for RADAR What are our priorities? We are at a cross-roads New modules or new instances of RADAR What does the future hold for repositories?
A Roadmap Gives direction for development of RADAR Highlighting the points to be tackled: E.G. Policies, workflows, Interface, Access, Data Management Shared with the institute for approval
Submission/Deposit Process
Metadata Development of a metadata policy and guidelines to accompany information present in RADAR Mandatory metadata fields stipulated Cleaning up the data records
Access Options Application of better standards Administrator, editor and user rights Access to content Application of embargoes Funder and publisher guidelines
User Interface
Communication Awareness of RADAR EPrints User Group Internal and External communication Staff Profiles MEPrints(?) Showcase for work at GSA
Reporting Monthly reporting Data extracted from RADAR Admin functions IRStats2 package Record of staff and output details Internal distribution
Research Pipeline Development of a tool for recording and reporting on the research bid process Linking through to the depositing of research outputs Currently a Filemaker database Links can be established with RADAR
Open Access Finch Report HEFCE Policy on Open Access for REF 2020 Funder and publisher guidance for outputs Copyright and standards A lot for GSA to think about!
Research Data Management Requirements stipulated by HEFCE and Funders Development of polices and roadmaps Application of repository technologies to manage data Visual arts data is complex Data is difference to the output Knowledge exchange
Thesis Submission New area for GSA Separate browse function Searches possible Improved thesis metadata Thesis submission process created for students Digitisation of theses Important research
Lessons Learnt Share plans with Research, IT, Library, executive… Prioritize work load Develop tracking and recording procedures Work closely with researchers Engage with developers
EPrints Engagement Further enhancement of the interface Additional reporting Pipeline capabilities Tracking tools RDM strategies Open Access REF 2020
Summary and Next Steps A roadmap helps to give focus to continued repository development Implement the next stage of the roadmap – improved communication strategy and documentation Further tweaks taking place to the interface and the processes for depositing outputs and soon research data
THANKYOU Images: Screenshots taken from RADAR Original Digital Art and Paintings Produced by Gii Bear and Robin Burgess of Burgess & Bear (