MILLIONAIRE SCOREBOARD $100 $200 $300 $500 $1,000 $2,000 $4,000 $8,000 $16,000 $32,000 $64,000 $125,000 $250,000 $500,000 $1 MILLION Click the $ for questions
Which of the following is a cause of the end of the Roman Republic? A: Caesar defeated Pompey. A: B: Rome started new colonies. B: C: Spartacus freed the slaves. C: D: Rome improved its roads. D: $100 Question Click on the letter of the correct answer
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The people who killed Julius Caesar wanted to give power back to the Senate, but their actions had an unexpected effect. What was it? A: the beginning of the Punic Wars. A: B: the beginning of a civil war. B: C: the beginning of Rome’s expansion. C: D: the beginning of Rome’s wealth. D: $200 Question Click on the letter of the correct answer
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What sea did the Romans come to call “our sea”? A: Black Sea. A: B: Aegean Sea. B: C: Mediterranean Sea C: D: Caspian Sea. D: $300 Question Click on the letter of the correct answer
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What was one serious consequence of Rome’s early expansion? A: It had to rebuild the cities it conquered. A: B: It had to send adminstrators far from home. B: C: It had to reeducate many new citizens. C: D: It had to maintain a large, permanent army. D: $500 Question Click on the letter of the correct answer
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What power did Rome fight during the Punic Wars? A: Sicily A: B: Carthage B: C: Gaul C: D: Macedonia D: $1,000 Question Click on the letter of the correct answer
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What was the outcome of Julius Caesar’s battle with Pompey? A: The Roman Republic ended. A: B: There were no more civil wars. B: C: Spartacus led a slave rebellion. C: D: The Senate ordered Caesar to leave. D: $2,000 Question Click on the letter of the correct answer
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What was the Pax Romana? A: A large territory controlled by Rome. A: B: a long peace enforced by Roman power. B: C: a title given to Octavian by the Senate. C: D: a treaty ending the civil wars in Rome. D: $4,000 Question Click on the letter of the correct answer
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Rome was at the center of the Roman Empire. What was at the center of Rome? A: the Forum. A: B: the Agora. B: C: the Coliseum. C: D: the Vatican. D: $8,000 Question Click on the letter of the correct answer
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As the empire grew, Romans were exposed to many new religions. How did they respond? A: They punished those who practiced the new religions unless they changed their beliefs. A: B: They forced the people who practiced the new religions to accept Roman gods. B: C: They accepted the new religions unless they threatened the emperor’s power. C: D: They welcomed new religions because they were bored with their own. D: $16,000 Question Click on the letter of the correct answer
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Which of the following might the Roman emperor say about the Senate? A: “The Senate makes all of Rome’s laws.” A: B: “I never let senators into a courtroom.” B: C: “Sometimes senators don’t approve my laws.” C: D: “The Senate is a symbol of Roman law.” D: $32,000 Question Click on the letter of the correct answer
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Who most likely would have spoken these words? “For lunch I stopped at one of the thermopolia for bread and cheese. Tonight my family will eat fish I bought at the market to cook on the small grill in our apartment. As a special treat, we’ll have figs after dinner.” A: a poor Roman woman. A: B: a wealthy Roman man. B: C: a wealthy Roman child. C: D: a poor Roman child. D: $64,000 Question Click on the letter of the correct answer
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What best describes Roman housing? A: The rich lived in large houses that had no kitchens. A: B: The poor lived in apartments made of wood and marble. B: C: The rich lived in large houses made of stone and marble. C: D: The poor lived in apartments with indoor pools. D: $125,000 Question Click on the letter of the correct answer
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A Roman judge said, “Whatever pleases the emperor is law.” What might a Roman teenager say? A: “Whatever pleases my parents is law.” A: B: “Whatever pleases my oldest brother is law.” B: C: “Whatever pleases my grandfather is law.” C: D: “Whatever pleases my father is law.” D: $250,000 Question Click on the letter of the correct answer
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Why did the Roman emperors give the poor “bread and circuses”? A: so the poor wouldn’t eat meat. A: B: so the poor wouldn’t rebel. B: C: so the poor could make more money C: D: so the poor could learn to read. D: $500,000 Question Click on the letter of the correct answer
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Who made the decisions at Roman trials? A: the victim. A: B: a senator. B: C: a jury. C: D: the Emperor. D: $1 Million Question Click on the letter of the correct answer
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