Slide: 1EUM/PPS/08/VWG/0124 - 22 October 2008 Programme Preparation 2 nd Post-EPS User Consultation Workshop Darmstadt, 3-4 February 2009 Lorenzo Sarlo.


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Presentation transcript:

Slide: 1EUM/PPS/08/VWG/ October 2008 Programme Preparation 2 nd Post-EPS User Consultation Workshop Darmstadt, 3-4 February 2009 Lorenzo Sarlo ONLY SELECTED SLIDES FOR ASI

Slide: 2 EUM/PPS/09/VWG/ February 2009 The Post-EPS Framework

Slide: 3 EUM/PPS/09/VWG/ February 2009 The Post-EPS Framework  The Post-EPS Programme Preparation includes the Phases 0 and A The Phase 0 is currently running and will last until Q The Phase 0 will be closed with the planned MDR (Mission Definition Review) The Phase A includes a PCR (Preliminary Concept Review) and will close with a PRR (Preliminary Requirements Review) at system level  EUMETSAT conducts the overall Mission, System and Ground Segment Engineering  ESA conducts Industrial Studies at Pre-feasibility and feasibility level  ESA also ensures coordination at Space Segment Level for the GMES Sentinel 5 Post-EPS Programme Preparation process based on the logic deployed for the successful preparation of the MTG Programme. MTG entered Phase B in January 2009

Slide: 4 EUM/PPS/09/VWG/ February 2009 User Needs Phase 0 Studies Phase A Studies ( ) Phase A Closeout 1 st Post-EPS UC Workshop, nd Post-EPS UC Workshop, rd Post-EPS UC Workshop Application Expert Group (AEG) Position Papers Candidate Missions Post-EPS MRD, PARD Space Segment Configuration to be Selected by Council Draft EURD Payload Complement to be Selected by Council Key milestones of the User Consultation Process are these Workshops, providing the forum for users and experts to follow and steer the results of the process. PHASE B Post-EPS User Consultation Process PRR MDR

Slide: 5 EUM/PPS/09/VWG/ February 2009 User Consultation  > 150 User Representatives involved  2 Workshops conducted since 2006  The 1 st UC Workshop (DA, 2006) provided very relevant recommendations for the elaboration of mission requirements  This 2 nd Workshop will help to discuss on candidate missions to support further consolidation of requirements and concepts  Further Workshops will be organised in the future to keep users informed on progress of Post-EPS during Phase A The Post-EPS Mission Expert Team  7 meetings already done  Support to Mission Requirements definition and consolidation  Consulted for all relevant requirements descoping necessary to eliminate hard design drivers  Will be maintained during Phase A Post-EPS User Consultation Process

Slide: 6 EUM/PPS/09/VWG/ February 2009 Post-EPS Status & Roadmap Planning Elements Phase 0 Mission Analysis2005– 2009 Phase A Feasibility2009– 2011 Phase B Preliminary Definition2011– 2013 Phase C/D Detailed Definition, Production2014– 2019 Phase E Utilisationfrom 2018/2020

Slide: 7 EUM/PPS/09/VWG/ February 2009 Post-EPS Status & Roadmap Phase B Phase 0 Phase A IR and MW Sounding VIS/IR Imaging missions Phase C/D Other missions Prep. Programme Development and Operation Programme EUMETSAT Approval Processes ESA Programme ESA Min. Conf. go ahead for phase B/C/D Operations 2 nd User Cons. Workshop MDR Planning Elements

Slide: 8 EUM/PPS/09/VWG/ February 2009 ESA Phase 0 Studies ESA CMin-11 go-ahead for Phase B/C/D Ph.0 Studies Ph. A Studies PAR MTR FR + MDR 2 nd User Consultation Workshop > EUMETSAT Preparatory Programme 2012 PAR held in June June 2008 planned extension Industrial Studies conducted … Detailed Presentations planned at this workshop … MTRs completed in January 2009

Slide: 9 EUM/PPS/09/VWG/ February nd User Consultation Workshop Objectives Cooperation Framework NPOESS Post NPOESS … other Operators / Agencies … JPS

Slide: 10 EUM/PPS/09/VWG/ February 2009 Other potential areas for cooperation 3MI and RO The User Consultation Process is a Pillar of the EUMETSAT Programme Preparation process The Post-EPS Mission Experts Team (PMET) effective work highly recognised and appreciated Next Steps aim to prepare for important decisions of the EUMETSAT and ESA Councils for the Post-EPS Programme to endorse MRD and agree on the cooperation schemes … Dialogue with Users continues…