1 ASTRONET PROGRAM STATUS as of Preliminary Board 1 st Meeting Paris, 31 May 2005
2 ASTRONET #101 A 4-year ERA-NET FP6 program under negotiation (ranked 4 th over 31 proposals, up to 2.5 M€ EC funding) A 4-year ERA-NET FP6 program under negotiation (ranked 4 th over 31 proposals, up to 2.5 M€ EC funding) Conducted by Astronomy funding Agencies (INSU, BMBF, ESO, INAF, PPARC, NOTSA, MEC, NWO, PT-DESY, ESA, MPG) Conducted by Astronomy funding Agencies (INSU, BMBF, ESO, INAF, PPARC, NOTSA, MEC, NWO, PT-DESY, ESA, MPG) Goal is to “coordinate a Strategic Planning for European Astrology (sic) ” - EC Review Panel (Space & Ground; All λ; Sun & Astroparticles included) Goal is to “coordinate a Strategic Planning for European Astrology (sic) ” - EC Review Panel (Space & Ground; All λ; Sun & Astroparticles included) Official starting date: September 1 st, 2005? Official starting date: September 1 st, 2005?
3 Objective is to develop: P ermanent coordination between the Agencies (WP #1) P ermanent coordination between the Agencies (WP #1) A long-term Astronomical Science Vision (WP #2) A long-term Astronomical Science Vision (WP #2) An Infrastructure & Technology Roadmap (WP #3) An Infrastructure & Technology Roadmap (WP #3) A frame for Inter-Agency science collaborations (WP #4) A frame for Inter-Agency science collaborations (WP #4) Enlist more Participants: Contractors & Associates (~ 2 EC New Members: PL-CZ?; BE-CH-PT?; others?) Enlist more Participants: Contractors & Associates (~ 2 EC New Members: PL-CZ?; BE-CH-PT?; others?) Close links with other FP6 coordinating actions (Opticon, Radionet, ELT, SKA, ALMA, VO-TECH, Ilias,...) Close links with other FP6 coordinating actions (Opticon, Radionet, ELT, SKA, ALMA, VO-TECH, Ilias,...) EC Requests
4 Networking (INAF) Inter-Agency communication (I NAF) Long-term ASTRONET format ( INSU) Forum with other FP6 activities ( PPARC) New Participants (NOTSA) Science Vision (ESO) Strategy & Resource Census ( ESO) Science Vision ( NOVA) Infrastructure Roadmap (PPARC) Implementation (INSU) Coordinated Actions (DESY) Cooperation toolbox (DESY) Pilot Collaboration ( NOVA) Management (INSU)
5 Analysis & Decision Process Project Office Executive Committee WP#2 Office Thematic Panels Ilias, Cosmic Vision, panel reports, Forums Steering Board Science Leader Science WG
6 Science Vision Panels i.Physics of the Sun & spatially resolved Stars ii.Solar & Exo-solar Planetary Systems iii.Stellar structure & evolution (including star-gas life cycle) iv.Galaxy formation and evolution at all ages v.Astrophysics & Fundamental Physics (dark matter, dark energy, gravitation, extreme states of matter) populated on astrophysical subjects competence basis nominated by the Science Working Group designated by the ASTRONET Board D R A F T
7 Analysis & Decision Process WP#3 Office Infrastructure WG Thematic Panels Opticon, Radionet, Ilias, D-S,... Forums Project Office Executive Committee Steering Board
8 i.X-rays & γ-rays Astronomy ii.UV, Optical & IR Astronomy from space iii.Ground-based Optical & IR Astronomy iv.Radio & Sub-mm Astronomy v.Solar Astronomy vi.Cosmic rays, neutrinos, gravitational waves vii.Survey Astronomy? viii.Theory, Computation & Virtual Observatory ix.Education, Training, Outreach populated on astronomical domains competence basis nominated by the Infrastructure Working Group designated by the ASTRONET Board Infrastructure Roadmap Panels D R A F T
9 Task 1.3: FP6 Forum - (PSh; 3 p.m.; Astroparticles ) ESO Involvement - 1 Task 2.0: Science Vision WP coordination (18 p.m.) : executive cell: GMo JMe; BLe; TWi, [WBo, TdZ] Task 2.1: Astronomy Census (9 p.m.): JMe et al. Task 2.2: Science Vision (BLe/TWi; 4 p.m.) Task 1.1: Inter-Agency Communication (N.N.; 2 p.m.)
10 ESO Involvement - 2 Task 3.2: Infrastructure Roadmap (ICo; 3 p.m.) WP #5: ESO Steering Board (GMo) Task 3.3: Roadmap Implementation (N.N.; 3 p.m.) Task 4.1: Cooperation toolbox (N.N.; 2 p.m.) Task 4.3: Pilot Cooperation project (N.N.; 2 p.m.)
11 Propose nominees for Panel members & Chairs To be done on ESO (Faculty) side Propose improvements on Panels structure Populate ASTRONET Work-Packages
12 Census present forces Collect and harmonize national strategic plans, and encourage to make them publicly available; Collect and harmonize national strategic plans, and encourage to make them publicly available; Collect facts on available astronomical resources in Europe (institutions, staff, equipment, training, infrastructures) Collect facts on available astronomical resources in Europe (institutions, staff, equipment, training, infrastructures) Use of web tool to collect relevant numerical data; user friendly tool to review and to correct data Use of web tool to collect relevant numerical data; user friendly tool to review and to correct data
13 Building Science Vision -1 Use all relevant information available including: Use all relevant information available including: - data collected through WP2.1 - information provided by ASTRONET partners - results from networking activities within Opticon, Radionet & others - data collected through WP2.1 - information provided by ASTRONET partners - results from networking activities within Opticon, Radionet & others Tasks: consultation community, draft long-range prospect for their sub-discipline, build consensus Tasks: consultation community, draft long-range prospect for their sub-discipline, build consensus Science driven; make use of existing structures; their coordinators will be respected scientists Science driven; make use of existing structures; their coordinators will be respected scientists
14 Building science vision -2 Science Vision Working Group Science Vision Working Group –Tasks: oversee and steer development of the science vision; draft text; build consensus; spot for sensitive issues; –8-10 scientists with expertise spread over all sub- disciplines; –Representatives of OPTICON, RADIONET and ILIAS; link with WP #3
15 Building science vision -3 Deliverables T = 1 st September 2005 Deliverables T = 1 st September 2005 T+2: kick-off meeting Science Vision WG T+2: kick-off meeting Science Vision WG T+9: start web-based discussion forum T+9: start web-based discussion forum T+12: draft science vision report ready for comments and validation T+12: draft science vision report ready for comments and validation T+15: symposium T+15: symposium T+18: final report ready T+18: final report ready