طرح موضوع در یک حوزه پژوهشی بیولوژی کارآفرینی طبع و رفتار کارآفرینانه محمد صادق برادران
شکل گیری ایده پژوهش پیشنهادات شغلیپژوهشگران طب ایرانی خصوصا در گذشته و با توجه به طبع مزاجی افراد، گرایش های رفتاری ایشان را شناسایی می کرده اند و با توجه به این ویژگی ها، پیشنهادات شغلی به فرد می داده اند و یا از این طریق، افرادی خاص برای شغل های مختلف انتخاب می شده اند. گزینش نیروی انسانی برای هر مجموعه کاریدر واقع در گزینش نیروی انسانی برای هر مجموعه کاری نیز طبایع و مزاجها کاربرد فوق العاده ای دارند. به عنوان مثال سرباز یا کارگر باید پرانرژی، شجاع و جسور باشد که از خصوصیات افراد « دموی » است. مدیر و یا طراح باید دقیق، پیگیر و بااراده باشد که این خصوصیات، از ویژگی های افراد صفراوی مزاج است ( عزیرخانی، 1383 ، ص 10 و 11).
شکل گیری ایده پژوهش پس کاملا محتمل است که برخی ویژگیها و رفتارهای کارآفرینانه با برخی مزاجها رابطه داشته باشند. رابطه بین یک خصیصه بیولوژیک فردی ( یعنی طبع ) و رفتار کارآفرینانهبنابراین این پژوهش به دنبال بررسی رابطه بین یک خصیصه بیولوژیک فردی ( یعنی طبع ) و رفتار کارآفرینانه است.
Temperament Temperament is a complex interaction activity of self and the adjoining environment. how Temperament: how of behavior. what or why Personality: what or why of behavior.
Temperament and personality are clearly related, but not the same thing, based on both conceptual and empirical grounds. The links are there, but have yet to be completely understood (Sharma & Sharma, 2011). Your temperament is like an artist's canvas. Your personality is like the painting on the canvas. It is what you have built on top of your temperament.
In the same century, advances in the neurosciences and in the employment of behavioral genetic techniques have allowed psychologists to consider more seriously the possibility of biologically-based contributions to personality dispositions. These individual differences, called temperament, have proven to be of increasing interest and importance to students of socioemotional development.
temperament biological factors experience and context temperament as: "relatively consistent, basic dispositions inherent in the person that underlie and modulate the expression of activity, reactivity, emotionality, and sociability. Major elements of temperament are present early in life, and those elements are likely to be strongly influenced by biological factors. As development proceeds, the expression of temperament increasingly becomes more influenced by experience and context.
Certain temperamental dimensions measured early in life can predict conduct problems later in preschool (Keenan, Shaw, Delliquadri, Giovannelli, & Walsh, 1998), in childhood (Bates, Bayles, Bennett, Ridge, & Brown, 1991; Guerin, Gottfried, & Thomas, 1997; Kingston & Prior, 1995; Raine, Reynolds, Venables, & Mednick, 1997), and even into adolescence (Caspi, Henry, Moffitt, & Silva, 1995).
Mizaj Mizaj is one of the most important canons of Iranian traditional medicine system. It has an important function in maintaining the ideal healthy state of an individual.
Mizaj Mizaj" (temperament) is a quality which is a consequence of mutual interaction of the four contradictory primary qualities (Hot, Cold, Wet, Dry) residing within the elements. These elements are so meticulously intermixed with each other that they lie in a very intimate relationship to one another. Their opposite powers intermittently conquer and are conquered until a state of balance is reached which is uniform throughout the whole. This result was given the name of temperament (Mizaj). In other words, Mizaj means the dominant quality of the composite object.
Humor Humor (Khelt) is a wet and fluid substance which foodstuffs in the first stage of permutation changes to it. Normally there are four humors in the human body: Phlegm or Balgham, Blood or Dam, Yellow bile or Safra and Black bile or Sauda Each of the humors was related with pairs of qualities including cold and wet, hot and wet, hot and dry, and cold and dry, respectively (Emtiazy et. al, 2012).
فرضیه Temperament Type 1 Type 2 Type 3 Type 4 Entrepreneurial behavior Risk taking Innovative Alertness business creation
فرضیه Temperament Entrepreneurial behavior NUTRITION
فرضیه طبع با رفتار کارافرینانه رابطه دارد. با توجه به اینکه تغذیه در تعدیل و تغییر طبع اثر دارد بنابراین بر رفتار کارآفرینانه اثر دارد. دستورالعملهای طب ایرانی می تواند با تغییر و اصلاح مزاج افراد در رفتار کارآفرینانه ایشان تغییر ایجاد نماید. شیوه و زمان کشف و شیوه و زمان بهره برداری با مزاج فصول سال رابطه دارد. در مراحل مختلف فرایند کارآفرینی با توجه به اینکه رفتارهای مختلفی لازم هستند می توان یا تغذیه متفاوت، طبع افراد را متناسب با آن مرحله تغذیه نمود.
A. Sanguine دموی Warm and wet Warm and wet Influencing of others outgoing super-extrovert This temperament is usually thought of as a "natural salesman" but they also tend to enter professions that are outgoing such as acting.
A. Sanguine دموی "leads into a room with his mouth“ never at a loss for words. His outgoing nature makes him the envy of more timid temperament types. He is most comfortable around people and does not like being alone. lack of discipline "messy" lifestyle or overeating. most emotional of the temperaments and can burst into tears or a rage without warning.
B. Choleric صفراوی Warm and dry Warm and dry Decisive & Rational most forceful and active of the four types. strong-willed and independent and opinionated. thrives on activity. most practical and makes sound, quick decisions. He is not afraid of obstacles and tends to drive right through or over problems. He is probably the strongest natural leader of the four types. the most problem with anger quick to recognize opportunities and quick to capitalize on them His strong will and determination may drive him to succeed where more gifted people give up.
B. Choleric صفراوی Most entrepreneurs are choleric.entrepreneurs Because of their impatience they often end up doing everything themselves. extremely goal/task oriented in leading others. His biggest weakness as a leader is a tendency to run right over people if he feels they are in his way. A choleric's weaknesses include anger and hostility. His emotions are the lease developed of all the temperaments. Additionally a choleric can be inconsiderate, opinionated and crafty in getting their own way.
C. Melancholy سوداوی Cold and dry Cold and dry Conscientious an introverted temperament type. analytical and perfectionist. most moody of types ranging from highly "up" to gloomy and depressed. During his low periods he can be very antagonistic and does not make friends easily. most dependable of the temperaments due to his perfectionist tendencies. His analytical ability allows him to accurately diagnose obstacles and problems, which often keep him from making changes prefers the status quo and may seem overly pessimistic. may choose a difficult life vocation involving personal sacrifice. Many melancholies become doctors or scientists or artists. Their interpersonal style can be critical and negative. He tends to be more indecisive than other types.
C. Melancholy سوداوی have difficulty giving praise and approval because they cannot bring themselves to say something that is not 100% true. They also are usually dissatisfied with themselves being highly self-critical. "thin skinned" or touchy and easily offended. "all or nothing" in his evaluation of things; everything must be black or white and no shades of gray. He is least likely to consider mitigating circumstances when evaluating a person or situation. No temperament is more likely to be legalistic and rigid. He can be intolerant and impatient with those who do not see things his way.
D. Phlegmatic بلغمی Cold and wet Steady "easy going". calm and steady person who is not easily disturbed. easiest temperament type to get along with. Life for him is happy most timid temperament type. He often uses humor to make his points. an observer and does not involve himself in the activities of others. make excellent teachers, counselors and administrators. very dependable and organized never volunteer make good group leaders.
D. Phlegmatic بلغمی lack of motivation or even lazinessmotivation lack drive and ambition. needs to realize that he is not internally motivated and take up activities that force him into action. self-protective and may be selfish.
After defining each temperament in "black and white" we must look realize that no one is completely one temperament type. Each of us is a blend of usually two and occasionally 3 types. One temperament type is dominant and one is secondary. And don't forget that training, lifestyle, upbringing and other circumstances may have forced an individual to function "off style". The saddest people I have seen are those who have "put on" a style that is not theirs naturally for so long that it has become a habitual way of life.