XQuery and Hierarchical Naming Zachary G. Ives University of Pennsylvania CIS 455 / 555 – Internet and Web Systems February 7, 2008
2 Today Reminder: Homework 1 due 11:59PM XQuery and joins Addressing vs. naming Hierarchical names
3 XQuery’s Basic Form The model: bind nodes (or node sets) to variables; operate over each legal combination of bindings; produce a set of nodes “FLWOR” statement pattern: for {iterators that bind variables} let {collections} where {conditions} order by {order-conditions} return {output constructor}
4 Example XML Data Root ?xml dblp mastersthesis inproceedings mdate key authortitleyear school authortitle year crossref ee mdate key 2002… ms/Brown92 Kurt Brown PRPL… 1992 wisc conf/sigm../ Paul R. On… sigmod www… university name key wisc Wisconsin country USA
5 XQuery and Joins for $i in doc (“dblp.xml”)/dblp/inproceedings, $r in $i/crossref/text(), $c in doc (“dblp.xml”)/dblp/conf, $n in where $c = $r return { $i, $c }
6 Some Uses for Join in XML Translation between values SSN PennID Joining or combining information Amazon invoice info + UPS tracking info Restructuring information ….. … … Here, we separate authors from books, then join them back in “upside-down” fashion
7 Changing Nesting of XML Content Re-nesting XML trees is a common operation Simply nest the query blocks and correlate them – similar to join for $u in doc(“dblp.xml”)/dblp/university, $n = $u/name/text(), $k = where $u/country = “USA” return { $n } { for $mt in $u/../mastersthesis, $inst in $mt/school/text() where $mt/year/text() = “1992” and _______________ return $mt/title }
8 Collections & Aggregation in XQuery Given a collection, we can compute an average, count, etc. of its members: { for $paper in doc(“dblp.xml”)/dblp/inproceedings let $pauth := $paper/author return { $paper/title } { fn:count($pauth) } } a collection
9 Sorting in XQuery We can order the sequence of “result tuples” output by the return clause: for $x in doc(“dblp.xml”)/proceedings order by $x/title/text() return $x
10 Querying & Defining Tags Can get a node’s name by querying node-name(): for $x in document(“dblp.xml”)/dblp/* return node-name($x) Can construct elements and attributes using computed names: for $x in document(“dblp.xml”)/dblp/*, $year in $x/year, $title in $x/title/text(), element { node-name($x) } { attribute {“year-” + $year} { $title } }
11 XQuery Summary Very flexible and powerful language for XML Focus is on database-style operations like joins Performs tasks that can’t be done with XPath or XSLT and that are tedious to program in Java: Integrating information from multiple sources Joins, based on correspondences of values Computing count, average, etc. Today, XQuery is available: In RDBMSs (SQL Server, Oracle, DB2) and XML DBMS systems (MarkLogic) As the basis of research prototypes for “XQuery full text” As the basis of “XQueryP” – a Web Services/AJAX programming language based on XQuery but with programming language features We will discuss data integration and middleware later in the course
12 Hierarchical Naming Schemes Thus far, we’ve seen XPath as a hierarchical naming scheme “Content-based naming”: describe the structure and values of a tree structure Assumption: XML tree resides in (or is being sent to) one place But hierarchy is often used for naming and location
13 How Do We Find Things on the Internet? Generally, using one of three means: Addresses or locations: specify where something is, assuming that we understand how to navigate Just like a physical address, we may still need a map! In the Internet, addresses are typically IP addresses – the routers know the map Names: are mapped into addresses via lookup services Best-known example on the Internet: DNS name Cell phone numbers, addresses, etc. are becoming names Content-based addressing/naming The actual data value is somehow used to find its location The basis of publish-subscribe systems and peer-to-peer architectures
14 The Simplest Way of Going from Names or Content Locations Directory-based lookup protocols are very common Examples: Napster 1.0 – peer-to-peer storage with central directory Inverted index – used to look up keywords in information retrieval DNS – distributed hierarchical directory LDAP – hierarchical Directory Information Tree
15 Napster 1.0, ca 2002 Hybrid of peer-to-peer storage with central directory showing what’s currently available What are the trade-offs implicit in this model? Why did it fail? Napster.com Peer1 Peer2 Peer3 jjackson-lame.mp3 bspears-oops.mp3 jjackson-lame.mp3 jjackson-lame bspears-oops Directory
Other Services with Similar Directory + Peer Architectures FolderSync – now owned by Microsoft Google Desktop Search with multiple machines BitTorrent trackers are quite similar (we’ll discuss BitTorrent more later) 16
17 Inverted Indices A “forward index”: documents to words The “inverted index”: words to word-occurrences The basis of most information retrieval engines, Google, etc. Can handle positional predicates … But how can we reconstruct previews?
18 Naming People and Devices: LDAP Lightweight Directory Access Protocol Hierarchical naming system that can be partitioned and replicated
19 LDAP’s Schema LDAP information has an XML-like schema: A unique name in LDAP is called a Distinguished Name, “dn” and consists of a sequence of attributes representing a hierarchy, from most-specific to least-specific (as in DNS names): o = organization; dc = domain component ou = organizational unit uid = user ID cn = common name c = country; st = state; l = locality Can also have objectClass – the type of entity
20 LDAP Hierarchy Brad Marshall LDAP Tutorial, quark.humbug.au/publications/ldap_tut.html
21 Querying LDAP LDAP queries are mostly attribute-value predicates: uid=zives; o=upenn; c = usa (|(cn=Susan Davidson)(cn=Zachary Ives)(cn=Val Tannen)) objectclass=posixAccount (!cn=Val Tannen) How does this differ from XPath? How might we process these queries?
22 The Backbone of Internet Naming: Domain Name Service A simple, hierarchical name system with a distributed database – each domain controls its own names edu columbia upenn berkeley com wwwcissas www amazon www … … … … … … … … Top Level Domains
23 Top-Level Domains (TLDs) Mostly controlled by Network Solutions, Inc. today .com: commercial .edu: educational institution .gov: US government .mil: US military .net: networks and ISPs (now also a number of other things) .org: other organizations 244, 2-letter country suffixes, e.g.,.us,.uk,.cz,.tv, … and a bunch of new suffixes that are not very common, e.g.,.biz,.name,.pro, …
24 Finding the Root 13 “root servers” store entries for all top level domains (TLDs) DNS servers have a hard-coded mapping to root servers so they can “get started”
25 Excerpt from DNS Root Server Entries This file is made available by InterNIC registration services under anonymous FTP as ; file /domain/named.root ; ; formerly NS.INTERNIC.NET ; IN NS A.ROOT-SERVERS.NET. A.ROOT-SERVERS.NET A ; ; formerly NS1.ISI.EDU ; NS B.ROOT-SERVERS.NET. B.ROOT-SERVERS.NET A ; ; formerly C.PSI.NET ; NS C.ROOT-SERVERS.NET. C.ROOT-SERVERS.NET A (13 servers in total, A through M)
26 Supposing We Were to Build DNS How would we start? How is a lookup performed? (Hint: what do you need to specify when you add a client to a network that doesn’t do DHCP?)
27 Issues in DNS We know that everyone wants to be “my- domain”.com How does this mesh with the assumptions inherent in our hierarchical naming system? What happens if things move frequently? What happens if we want to provide different behavior to different requestors (e.g., Akamai)?
28 Next Time… We’ll look at alternative mechanisms for finding things: Publish-subscribe models Gossip protocols, such as in routers Flooding … and soon, peer-to-peer or content-based routing