Belgrade, 24 April 2015 Sabrina Ferraina Senior Policy Officer
EASPD European Association of Service providers for Persons with Disabilities (EASPD) Representing social and health support services in the disability sector Ensuring implementation of the CRPD through high quality service systems Accredited to the UN Conference of State Parties to the CRPD 2
What is EASPD? EU NGO in the disability sector It represents over 10,000 social service provider organisations across Europe Based in Brussels, established in 1996 EASPD plays a key role on a European level as a representative of disability service providers Objective: Promote equal opportunities for people with disabilities through effective and high quality service systems in Europe
3 Pillars 4 INFORMATION Service provision to members: networking, exchange possibilities to members at European, national, regional and local level INNOVATION Research and Development: as basis for innovation and improvement of service provision IMPACT Policy- influencing: voicing service providers in Europe ( Political Representation towards EU Institutions and Council of Europe)
Methods of operation 5 ICT & Assistive Technology Arts Early intervention Human Resources and Staff Development Education Inclusive Living Employment Policy Impact Group
Areas of action Education Employment Social Inclusion: 1/3 of EASPD’s members provide residential/daycare support Standing Committee on Inclusive Living 6
EASPD work on DI Standing Committee on Inclusive Living Involvement in the European Expert Group on DI Cooperation with other European networks Cooperation with housing sector Development of personal assistance schemes (self- directed support, etc.) 7
Standing Committee on Inclusive Living To discuss strategic and practical ways to implement Art 19 UN CRPD in EASPD's member organisations To collect and exchange models of good practice in the field of de-institutionalisation and (supported) housing To support the development of instruments facilitating user involvement and independent living To draft policy recommendation for authorities at all levels To study the future challenges in social care, housing and support To increase cooperation with other European networks on housing for vulnerable groups 8
European Expert Group Set up in 2009 Includes: –UN bodies (OHCHR, Unifec) –Institutions (European Union) –NGOs (EASPD, EDF, Mental Health Europe, Eurochild, …) Organisation of seminars, trainings and lobby activities 9
EASPD work on DI Strong commitment since the beginning Wide approach covering the whole of Europe 2009: EASPD becomes part of the European Expert Group on DI October 2011: Seminar on DI in Western EU countries May 2013: Seminar on DI in Europe Dec 2013: EASPD DI roadmap 10
EASPD’s position on DI & CBS EASPD Declaration on Article 19: “Making community-based services a reality. Roadmap to deinstitutionalisation” Adopted by the EASPD Board in December 2013 EASPD’s strategy in this field 11
Context DI Roadmap Social model of disability of the UN CRPD: society needs to respond to existing barriers inclusion and participation are the key concepts enabling PWDs rights positive measure are strongly encouraged consequence Change in the provision of long term and intense care is required 12
Key articles Social Inclusion UN CRPD Art 12: Equal recognition before the law Art 19: Living Independently and being included in the community 13
Art 19: Living Independently and being included in the community Establishes the equal right of all persons with disabilities to live in the community, with choices equal to others. State Parties should ensure that: Persons with disabilities have the opportunity to choose their place of residence and with whom they live with on an equal basis with others Persons with disabilities have access to a range of in-home residential and community services, including personal assistance necessary to support living and inclusion in the community rather than isolation or segregation Community services and facilities for the general population are available on an equal basis to persons with disabilities and are responsive to their needs 14
Key concepts Participation Inclusion Equality of opportunity Non-discrimination Equal recognition before the law Accessibility Reasonable accommodation Universal Design 15
Long term/intense care today Mostly residential care settings have a protective (segregating) approach Wide array of quality level Lack of participative, inclusive and person- centred approach 16
Segregating institutions Choice Any place in which persons are isolated, segregated and/or compelled to live together Control Any place in which people do not have, or are not allowed to exercise control over their lives and their day-to-day decisions. 17
Segregating institutions Inclusion An institution is not defined merely by its size: Segregating environments can be reproduced also in small-scale settings Participation – Equal opportunities Typically the requirements of the organization tend to take precedence over the users' individualized needs. 18
Support services Ensure person-centred inclusive approach Long term complex process that poses many issues to service providers The transition from DI to CBS is complex Objective: Promoting community-based services, adapted to individual needs, that promote participation and inclusion 19
Challenges Careful planning People with complex needs Innovative solutions to provide choice and control Funding is needed 20
Expected result Community-based services: “spectrum of services that enable individuals to live in the community and, in the case of children, to grow up in a family environment as opposed to an institution” They include: mainstream services: i.e. housing, healthcare, education, employment, culture and leisure specialised services: i.e. such as personal assistance for persons with disabilities, respite care and others family-based and family-like care for children 21
Social and health support services Support services should: Facilitate full participation, inclusion and equal citizenship Be tailored to the individual needs and preferences Designed and delivered in coproduction with users Be community-based and rooted in society Be set-up in and in close cooperation with the mainstream sector 22
Social and health support services Support services should: Be provided by well trained staff Respect the social network around the person Be based on stakeholder cooperation Ensure security to all people with support needs Allow real and informed choices 23
EASPD’s actions Promote correct implementation of the UN CRPD at national and EU level Monitoring policies & Support Members Promote networking between mainstream and specialised settings Ensure representation of services and PWD in the debate Research and data collection 24
Recommendations to all stakeholders Involvement of all actors and services Planning and monitoring Staff training and staff development Establish cooperation between mainstream and specialised services Make use of EU funds 25
Conclusions Involvement of all actors is essential (families, users, stakeholders, service providers) in all stages of the process Mainstreaming of services with all actors Quality of life is above quality of services Institutional culture can thrive also in community-based services Planning and monitoring is needed 26
Follow-up & Monitoring What’s the state of play? Did we miss something? What should we focus on as a matter of priority? Have there been any step-backs? 27
References EASPD DI Roadmap: es/Policy/easpd_di_roadmap_final.pdf European Expert Group: EN (English) - Common European Guidelines on the Transition from Institutional to Community-Based Care, available in Serbian here: content/uploads/2013/09/smernice_korigovane_priprema.pdf European Expert Group blog “From institutions to living in the Community”: 28
Any questions ? Thank you for your attention! Sabrina Ferraina With support from the European Union Programme for Employment and Social Innovation “EaSI” ( ) 29