Cantaloupe belongs to the same family as the cucumber, squash, pumpkin and gourd. It grows on the ground on a trailing vine. Bees are needed to pollinate the plant.
Cantaloupes Cantaloupes are round melons with khaki colored netted skin. They have orange, sweet and fragrant flesh. Inside the melon there is a hollow cavity that contains seeds encased in a web of netting.
Cantaloupes Cantaloupes originated in India and Africa. They were first cultivated by the Egyptians and later the Greeks and Romans. They were introduced to North America by Christopher Columbus on his second voyage to the New World in 1494.
Cantaloupes In the United States most cantaloupes are grown in California, Arizona and Texas with a season from June through October. Imported varieties from Mexico and Central America are available in the grocery stores year round.
Cantaloupes Melons should be firm with a little give. It should also have a good fragrance. If it smells good, it usually tastes good.
Cantaloupes Cantaloupes have a high water content and low calorie count. They are have high levels of Vitamin A, Vitamin C and Potassium. They are normally eaten as a fresh fruit, a salad, or a dessert with ice cream or custard.
Cantaloupes Since cantaloupes are grown on the ground, the rind can contain harmful bacteria, Therefore, it is always wise to wash the melon thoroughly before cutting & consuming it.
Cantaloupes =cantaloupe&sp=1&sc=8-10# =cantaloupe&sp=1&sc=8-10# Children’s Books About Cantaloupes Anansi and the Talking Melon By Eric Kimmel Cantaloupe Trees By Laura L. Smith Do Antelope Eat Cantaloupe? By Leigh Legere