Unit 7 Food Festival Topic2 Cooking is fun! Section C 四会市江谷中学 卢祥芬 Page65 Lu Xiangfen Jianggu Middle School 四会市江谷中学 卢祥芬 1 888
Let’s start our new lesson with some discussions. 以、、开始 2
Let ’ s discuss some customs in different countries, using object clauses. chopsticks I don’t think that it is polite to point with chopsticks at people in China. I think that it is impolite to… 3
2. Impolite I think that it is polite to eat soup very noisily in most African countries. I think that it is polite to eat soup very noisily in most African countries. 4
polite adj. 有礼貌的,有教养 的 impolite [‘impə’lait]( 无礼的) adj. 不礼貌的, 粗鲁的 5
Ok, well. If you want to learn more about western table manners, please follow me. 6
a formal ['f ɔ :məl] dinner adj. 正式的;拘谨的;有条理的 informal[in'f ɔ :məl ] adj. 非正式的 table manners['mænə] 方式;习惯;种类;规矩;风俗 7 normal 正常的
napkin n. ['næpkin] n. 餐巾, 餐巾纸;尿布 8
lap [læp] n. 膝 盖 ; 下 摆;山坳 vt. 拍打;包围;使重叠 vi. 重叠;轻拍;围住 leg [le ɡ ] 腿; 支柱 9 knee [ni:] n. 膝盖 clap 鼓 掌
Starts with a small dish a small dish 10
fork right 11 right
right -- knife left - fork eat up ( 吃光;耗尽;击垮 ) the food 12 用餐工具方法口诀:左叉右刀 叉单右 Left fork right knife only fork right
not to speak loudly at the table. Maybe you don’t know whether it’s polite or not to speak loudly at the table. (=if 是否 ) 13 *& # !***+_*$* ! 吾好饮呶! *~ ~
speak quietly smile a lot. 14 Ladies and gentlemen smile a lot.
smile A lot Big small Smile at life 15 The smiling faces always make us happy.
drink to somebody [‘s ʌ m,b ɔ di] pron. 某人; 有 人 n. 大人 物;重要人物 16 /sth. 为某人 / 某事干杯 cheers 干杯 Someone anybody anyone everybody everyone nobody no one none
sip v. 啜饮 take only a sip [sip] n. 抿;小口喝; vt. 啜 vi. 啜饮 17
Listen to 1a and mark the following statements True (T) or False (F). Listen to 1a and mark the following statements True (T) or False (F). ( ) 1.When you start eating, you should take your napkin first and put it on your lap. ( ) 2.At table, people always keep the fork in their left hands. ( ) 3.It’s impolite to eat up the food on your plate. ( ) 4.It’s polite to speak loudly and smile a lot. ( ) 5.When you drink to somebody, you should raise your glass and take only a sip. 1b1b1b1b Work alone T F F F T 18 1aP65- 1a.swfP65- 1a.swf
Pair work Pair work Read the passage and name the things in the picture. a.______ b._______ c.______ d.______ e.______ f. ______ b a f e c d spoon glass plate fork knife napkin 19 1a
ss desserts [di'zə:t]n. 餐后甜点;甜点心 s desert ['dezət] n. 沙漠;荒原;应得的赏罚 vt. 遗弃;放弃;逃跑 adj. 沙漠的;荒凉的 20
2 Work alone Listen to the passage and mark the following statements True (T) or False (F). ( ) 1. Usually there is a knife and fork for each person. ( ) 2. The fork is on the right. ( ) 3. People use the spoons for soup and dessert. ( ) 4. The passage is about how to have a Chinese meal. T F F T 21
3. Will people leave as soon as they finish eating in western countries? 4. Do Americans eat food like chicken legs with their fingers? 5. Does a formal western dinner always start with a small dish? 3 Group work Discuss eating customs in different countries, using object clauses. 22
3 A:I want to know if people will leave as soon as they finish eating in western countries. B:I don’t think people will leave as soon as they finish eating in western countries. 23
4 A:Do Americans eat food like chicken legs with their fingers? A:Do Americans eat food like chicken legs with their fingers? B:I don’t think Americans eat food like chicken legs with their fingers. 24
5 A: I want to know if a formal dinner always starts with a small dish. B:I think that a formal western dinner always starts with a small dish. 25
Pat a Cake 做蛋糕 Pat-a-cake, pat-a-cake baker’s man! 做蛋糕, 面包师做蛋糕! Bake me a cake just as fast as you can. 尽快为 我做个蛋糕。 Pat it and prick it and mark it with “B.” 拍一下, 戳一下,做个记号 B 。 Put it in the oven for baby and me. 为宝贝和我, 把它放到烤炉里。 For baby and me, for baby and me. 为宝贝和 我,为宝贝和我。 Put it in the oven for baby and me. 为宝贝和我, 为宝贝和我。 26 SONG
Practice 1.--Would you mind me____? --___.Do it as you like,please. A.to play the piano;Good idea. B.playing the piano;Of course not. C.playing the piano; Of course. D.play the piano; All right. 27 B
2.I don’t know if my uncle ___.If he ____,I will be very happy. A. comes; will come B. will come; will come C. comes; comes D. will come; comes 28 D
3.The book is Tom’s. I’ll finish __ it tomorrow. A. read B. reading C. to read D. will read 4.It’s__to speak loudly at the table in western countries. A. polite B. impolite C. possible D. impossible 5.I don’t know_ he will be back or not. A. if B. weather C. whether D. that 29 B B c
Summary :The rules Eat up the food on your plate. 吃完它。 Don’t take more food than you need. 不要取多了。 不要取多了。 Raise your glass and take only a sip. 举杯喝一小口。 Remember not to drink too much. 记得不要喝太多! You just do as other people do. When in Rome, do as the Romans do the 入乡随俗. 30 P#33. 幻灯 片 33#33. 幻灯 片 33
1.Finish 1C. 2.Retell 1a. 3. Collect more information about table manners in different countries. 31 鼓掌
Thank you for joining us. Good bye ! 32
Put these sentences into object clauses. 1.I think. We should do as other people do. 2. Do you know? Is it good to watch TV too much? 3. I don ’ t know. What am I doing ? 4. I ’ m not sure. Is he at home? 5. I want to know. Will it rain tomorrow? Practice 34 I think we should do as other people do. Do you know if it is good to watch TV too much? I don’t know what I am doing. I’m not sure if he is at home. I want to know whether it will rain tomorrow.
1.Finish 1C. 2.Retell 1a. 3. Collect more information about table manners in different countries. 31 鼓掌
Thank you for joining us. Good bye ! 32
27 sing
Key words of 1a When you sit down at the table, you should … The dinner always starts with … If you use knife, you should … Don’t take … Don’t speak … When you drink to somebody, you should … Talk to your partner about how to start a formal western dinner.
I think (that) it is polite to … in China. I think (that) it is impolite to … in China. 1c Group work Collect some information about table manners in China. Then talk about them. You may use these sentences: Project 1.
Do you know if it is polite to eat soup noisily and finish all the rice in Japan? I think it’s polite to … Could you tell me whether it is polite to smoke during a meal in France? I think it’s impolite to … For example:
一些中国用餐礼仪 1 、入座后姿式端正,脚踏在本人座位下, 不可任意伸直,手肘不得靠桌缘, 或将手 放在邻座椅背上。 2 、用餐时须温文而雅,从容安静,不能 急躁。 3 、在餐桌上不能只顾自己,也要关心别 人,尤其要招呼两侧的女宾。 4 、口内有食物,应避免说话。 5 、自用餐具不可伸入公用餐盘夹取菜肴。 6 、必须小口进食,不要大口的塞,食物 末咽下,不能再塞入口。 1 、入座后姿式端正,脚踏在本人座位下, 不可任意伸直,手肘不得靠桌缘, 或将手 放在邻座椅背上。 2 、用餐时须温文而雅,从容安静,不能 急躁。 3 、在餐桌上不能只顾自己,也要关心别 人,尤其要招呼两侧的女宾。 4 、口内有食物,应避免说话。 5 、自用餐具不可伸入公用餐盘夹取菜肴。 6 、必须小口进食,不要大口的塞,食物 末咽下,不能再塞入口。