23. Peace & Mutual Edification Romans 14: 1-23 p – 49
1. Disputable Matters Two Examples: What food to eat Whether certain days are special “Correct” perspective – doesn’t matter (Col 2:16-17) Can arise in multicultural communities (like ours) Appropriate language Respectfulness Acceptable entertainment Drinking alcohol Disciplining children
2. Accept Diversity of Opinions Not on core issues of Faith and Morality 1. HOW TO DEAL WITH OTHERS I DIFFER FROM Accept them (v 1) Do not judge them (v 13a) Do not cause them to stumble (v 13b) Act in Love (v 15a, also 13:8) Seek Peace & Mutual Edification (v 19)
2. Accept Diversity of Opinions HOW TO DECIDE ABOUT DISPUTABLE THINGS MYSELF Be convinced in your own mind (v 5b) We act for the Lord (in His name) (v 7-8) We will give an account to God (v 12, 22) If we think something is wrong, then it’s wrong for us (v 14) Everything that does not come from faith is sin (v 23) Essential question: “DOES IT HONOUR GOD?”
3. Case Study: Protests Important factor: INTEGRITY Act for the Common Good not Selfish Personal Advantage Do what leads to Peace and Mutual Edification