ICE-CREAM Abramova Anna
ICE-CREAM Ice- cream is a frozen dessert usually made from dairy products, such as milk and cream and often combined with fruits or other ingredients and flavours. The ancient Greeks, Romans, and Jews were known to chill wines and juices. In the Persian Empire, people would pour grape-juice concentrate over snow, in a bowl, and eat this as a treat. Ancient civilizations have served ice for cold foods for thousands of years. The BBC reports that a frozen mixture of milk and rice was used in China around 200 BC. The Roman Emperor Nero had ice brought from the mountains and combined it with fruit toppings. These were some early chilled delicacies.
Interesting Facts About Ice-Cream Twelve gallons of milk is needed to make 1 gallon of ice cream. The most favorite topping for ice cream is chocolate syrup. Air is the most important ingredient in ice cream as it is needed to keep the ice cream soft. President Ronald Reagan declared July as national ice cream month in the United States. In 2002, the largest ice cream pyramid was made.It had at least 3000 scoops of ice cream and weighed more than 1000 pounds.
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Baskin Robbins.
Company BR. This is a big company. Baskin Robbins has got many medals. The ice cream of Baskin Robbins is very tasty. Company BR is in Russia and America. This ice cream has got many flavours.
Russian Cold.
Company Russian Cold. The Company Russian Cold has got a factory in Moscow and Barnaul.The factory has more than fifty types of flavours. Russian cold sends ice cream to Germany, England, Greece and the USA.
Company Inmarko. 1 March is the birthday of the company Inmarko. Inmarko is 20 years old. This ice cream is very tasty. Company has got cornets, cones and Eskimos.
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