Chapter 12 Respiratory System
In this chapter you will Name the organs of the respiratory system and describe their location and function. Recognize medical terms that pertain to respiration. Apply your new knowledge to understanding medical terms in their proper context.
Organs of the Respiratory System Paranasal Sinuses Nasopharynx Nasal Cavity Pharyngeal tonsils Nose Oropharynx Palatine tonsils Laryngopharynx Epiglottis Esophagus Trachea Larynx Mediastinum Parietal pleura Bronchial tubes Visceral pleura Lung Bronchioles Diaphragm
Organs of the Respiratory System Bronchioles Erythrocytes Capillary Alveoli
Inhalation and Expiration Discuss how breathing is a passive process. Obtain a bell jar and diaphragm apparatus from a lab, or make one, to illustrate this concept.
Respiratory Flow Chart Trace the flow and then conduct the class activity in the lesson plan by dividing the class into two groups and assigning each a gas. (see LP 12.1)
Chapter 12 Respiratory System Terminology p. 464
adenoidectomy adenoid/o: adenoids -ectomy Surgical removal of the adenoids Adenoids: nasopharyngeal tonsils
adenoid hypertrophy aden/o -oid hyper- -trophy Excessive development (enlargement) of the adenoids / can obstruct nasal passages
Alveolar alveol/o: alveolus, air sac -ar Pertaining to an alveolus Small, sac like, gas exchanging area of the lung J4E
Bronchospasm bronch/o: bronchial tube, bronchus -spasm: sudden contraction of muscles Sudden contraction of muscles in the bronchial tube Seen most commonly in asthma
bronchiectasis bronchi/o: bronchial tube, bronchus -ectasis: stretching, dilation, expansion Dilation of bronchial tubes Caused by weakening of the bronchial walls Q
bronchodilator bronch/o -dilation: widening, stretching, expanding -or: one who One who widens the bronchial tube Medication
bronchiolitis bronchiol/o: bronchiole, small bronchus -itis: inflammation Inflammation of bronchioles Viral infection RSV: respiratory syncytial virus
hypercapnia Hyper: Excessive capn/o: carbon dioxide -ia: condition of Condition of excessive carbon dioxide (in the blood) PaC02
pneumoconiosis pneum/o: lung, air coni/o: dust -osis Abnormal condition of dust in the lungs Asbestosis wfBsc
cyanosis cyan/o: Blue -osis: Abnormal Condition Abnormal condition of blue Caused by hypoxemia
epiglottitis epiglott/o: epiglottis -itis: inflammation Inflammation of the epiglottis Haemophilus influenzae Type B ag
laryngeal laryng/o: larynx (voice box) -eal pertaining to Pertaining to the larynx Laryngitis Occurs with a cold Chronic condition in smokers
laryngospasm laryng/o: larynx -spasm: Sudden contraction of the muscles of the larynx
laryngitis laryng/o larynx -itis; inflammation Inflammation of the voice box
lobectomy lob/o: lobe of the lung -ectomy: surgical removal Surgical removal of a lobe (of the lung)
mediastinoscopy mediastin/o: mediastinum -scopy Visual examination of the mediastinum
paranasal sinuses para-: near; beside; abnormal; apart from; along side of nas/o: nose -al Sinuses: air filled cavities Pertaining to air filled cavities near the nose
nasogastric intubation gastr/o -ic in- tube -ation Process of inserting tube through the a nose into the stomach (NG Tube)
orthopnea orth/o: straight, upright -pnea breathing Upright breathing Breathing discomfort in any position but sitting up
hypoxia hypo- ox/o -ia Condition of deficient oxygen In the tissues
expectoration ex-: out, away from pector/o: chest -ation: process of Process of away from chest Expulsion of material (mucus or phlegm)
pharyngeal pharyng/o: pharynx -eal pertaining to Pertaining to the throat
dysphonia dys- bad,painful, difficult phon/o: voice -ia condition of Condition of difficult (abnormal) voice Hoarseness or any voice impairment
phrenic nerve phren/o: diaphragm -ic pertaining to Nerve nerve Nerve pertaining to the diaphragm
pleurodynia pleur/o: pleura -dynia: pain Pain of the pleura Associated with inflammation of intercostal muscles
pleural effusion pleur/o pleural -al pertaining to -fusion: to pour To pour fluid into the pleural cavity Fluid collects in the pleural space
pneumothorax pneum/o air -thorax chest Air in the pleural space
pneumonectomy pneumon/o lung -ectomy surgical removal Removal of a lung
pulmonary pulmon/o: lung -ary pertaining to Pertaining to lungs
rhinorrhea rhin/o: nose -rrhea: flow, discharge Discharge from the nose Runny nose
rhinoplasty rhin/o nose -plasty surgical repair Surgical repair of the nose Nose job
sinusitis sinus/o: sinus, cavity -itis inflammation Inflammation of sinuses
spirometer spir/o: breathing -meter instrument to measure Instrument to measure breathing
expiration ex- out spir/o breathing -ation process of Process of breathing out Note that the S is omitted
respiration re- again spir/o breathing -ation process of Process of breathing again Breathing (inspiration and expiration)
atelectasis a- without tel/o: complete -ectasis: stretching, dilation, expansion Without complete expansion of a lung collapsed lung
thoracotomy thorac/o: chest -tomy: incision Incision of the chest
thoracic thorac/o chest -ic pertaining to Pertaining to the chest
tonsillectomy tonsill/o: tonsils -ectomy: surgical removal Removal of tonsils The nasopharyngeal tonsils are removed
tracheotomy trache/o trachea -tomy incision Incision of the trachea
tracheal stenosis trache/o trachea -al- pertaining to stenosis: tightening; stricture Pertaining to tightening (narrowing) of the trachea
Suffixes – Page 468
empyema em- in py/o pus -ema: condition Condition of pus in (the chest) A collection of pus Most commonly occurs in the pleural cavity as pyothorax
anosmia an- -osmia: smell Without smell
apnea a- without -pnea breathing Without breathing
dyspnea dys- bad, difficult -pnea breathing Difficult breathing
hyperpnea hyper- increased, excessive -pnea breathing Increased breathing Increase in depth of breathing What is the term for increased rate of breathing?
tachypnea tachy- fast -pnea breathing Fast breathing
hemoptysis hem/o blood -ptysis: spitting Spitting up blood
asphyxia a- without -sphyxia: pulse Without pulse
hemothorax hem/o blood -thorax: chest, pleural cavity Blood in the pleural cavity
pyothorax py/o -thorax Pus in the chest empyema of the chest
Diagnostic and Pathologic Terms – page 469 auscultation percussion pleural rub rale (crackle) rhonchus sputum stridor wheeze
Upper Respiratory Tract Disorders page 470 Croup Diptheria Epistaxis Pertussis
Croup-p. 470 Acute respiratory syndrome in children and infants Characterized by: Obstruction of the larynx Barking cough stridor
Diptheria bacterial infection usually affecting the mucous membranes of your nose and throat. Diphtheria typically causes a sore throat, fever, swollen glands and weakness. But the hallmark sign is a sheet of thick, gray material covering the back of your throat. This material can block your windpipe so that you have to struggle for breath.
Epistaxis Nose bleed
Pertussis Whooping Cough; highly contagious bacterial infection of the pharynx, larynx, and trachea. DTaP and Tdap Vaccines
Bronchial Disorders – page 470-471 Asthma Bronchiectasis Chronic bronchitis Cystic Fibrosis
Cystic Fibrosis Inherited disorder of the exocrine glands resulting in thick mucous secretions in the respiratory tract. Gene carrying the disease in known and persons carrying the gene may be identified.
Lung Disorders – page 471-475 Atlectasis Emphysema Lung cancer Pneumoconiosis Pneumonia Pulmonary abcess Pulmonary edema
Emphysema Hyperinflation of the air sacs with destruction of alveolar walls
Pneumonia Acute inflammation and infection of the alveoli which fill with pus or products of the inflammatory reaction
Lung Disorders Pulmonary Embolism (PE) Pulmonary Fibrosis Sarcoidosis – chronic inflammation Tuberculosis (TB)
Pulmonary Fibrosis
Pleural Disorders – page 475 Mesothelioma – rare malignant tumor in pleura Pleural Effusion Pleurisy (pleuritis) Pneumothorax
Pleural Effusion
Clinical Procedures – p 476-481 Chest x-ray Ventilation/Perfusion Scan (V/Q) Bronchoscopy Endotracheal Intubation PFTs Thoracentesis
Clinical Procedures Thoracotomy Thoracoscopy Tracheostomy Tuberculin test (PPD) Tube Thoracostomy (Chest tube)
QUICK QUIZ: 1. What is the tip or uppermost portion of the lung? base lobe apex nares
Chest tube
Abbreviations p. 482 COPD: Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease CXR: Chest X-Ray PFT: Pulmonary Function Test TB: Tuberculosis OSA: Obstructive Sleep Apnea DOE: Dyspnea on Exertion URI: Upper Respiratory Infection