Welcome to Honors Chemistry Mrs. Margaret Westbrook
Teacher Background Degrees: B.S. Chemical Engineering, UT Knoxville M. S. Polymer Science and Engineering, UT Knoxville Work Experience: Graduate Teaching Assistant, UT Knoxville – 2 years Research Engineer, Shell WRC – 5 years Consultant to Shell WRC – 10 years Family Obligations – 8 years TJCA Lateral Entry Teacher – Third Year
Breakdown for Grading Item Percent of Grade Tests 35 quizzes 10 homework 25 lab 25 participation 5 Total 100
Success Strategies Come to class on time and prepared every day Carefully read and journal your textbook assignments Flash cards for vocabulary and required memorization Concept maps for complicated topics Pay attention, participate and take notes during class Complete your homework Utilize the study sessions Ask questions as soon as you have them Do not allow yourself to get behind --- playing catch-up is difficult Carefully work all sample, homework and test problems (analyze, plan, compute-show all work and units, evaluate)
Class Format Assigned reading before class Demonstrations to introduce or reinforce concepts Lecture and Discussion Problem solving as a class/small group/individual Small group activities and presentations to class Daily homework assignments Daily Problems Tests at least twice per quarter Labs (each chapter---time allowing)
Text and Supplies Modern Chemistry by Holt, Rinehart, and Winston A calculator capable of displaying scientific notation and logarithms (base 10 and natural) A hard bound (not loose leaf or spiral bound) laboratory notebook Binder or section in large binder with tabs for chemistry (See Chemistry Binder Handout) Large/5 subject spiral notebook for reading journal
Expectations Everyone in the classroom will be treated respectfully by all No computers, phones or other similar electronic devices in the classroom No eating, drinking, or chewing gum in the laboratory or classroom (chemical contamination danger) Students are expected to adhere to the TJCA honor code Come to class on time and prepared to work (book, supplies, calculator, notes, assignments ready)
Course Goals (1)to illustrate the importance, impact, and usefulness of chemistry in your chosen career as well as your everyday lives; (2) to practice critical and analytical thinking; and (3) to increase your knowledge of chemistry sufficiently to allow you to succeed in your next chemistry course and/or chosen career.
The Major Goal of This and Other Science Courses Is to develop a process of thought and logical analysis. You may feel that you are learning things “that you will never use”. However the process behind the things that you are learning is what may be important.
According to Webster’s New World Dictionary science is: “systemized knowledge derived from observation, study, and experimentation carried on in order to determine the nature or principles of what is being studied.” What is Science?
According to the Dictionary of Scientific Terms science is: “a branch of study in which facts are observed and classified, and usually, quantitative laws are formulated and verified; it involves the application of mathematical reasoning and data analysis to natural phenomena.” What is Science?
Why do you think you are required to take science courses in order to obtain a degree at TJCA? Science at TJCA
Chemistry is the study of the composition, structure and properties of matter, the processes that matter undergoes and the energy changes that accompany these processes. What is Chemistry?
Look around you and tell me what you see? Look out of the window. What do you see?
Can you name something that is not composed of a chemical or chemicals?
Try to name jobs that you think are not impacted by chemistry.
Branches of Chemistry Organic Chemistry – study of most carbon containing compounds Inorganic Chemistry – study of non-organic substances, many of which have organic fragments bonded to metals Physical Chemistry – study of properties and changes of matter and their relation to energy Analytical Chemistry – identification of the components and composition of materials Biochemistry – study of substances and processes occurring in living things Theoretical Chemistry – the use of mathematics and computers to understand the principles behind observed chemical behavior and to design and predict the properties of new compounds
` Basic Research – For the sake of increasing knowledge Applied Research – To solve a problem Technological Development – Production and use of products to improve our quality of life