123 7A-1 From an old reference work to an advanced data collection: The Landolt-Börnstein Case CONCERT 2000 Taipei, 3-4th October 2000 Gertraud Griepke SPRINGER-VERLAG Heidelberg
7A-3 Authors of the 1st Edition, published 1883
7A-4 Short History of Landolt-Börnstein data collection Founded nearly 120 years ago Need for selected and easily retrievable information At the scientist´s desk Today even more important: Growing interdependence between Increasingly differentiated research fields
7A-5 What is Landolt-Börnstein? Landolt-Börnstein (LB) is a systematic and comprehensive collection of critically assessed data from all fields of physics physical chemistry geophysics astronomy material technology and engineering biophysics
7A-6 Landolt-Börnstein, 1st-6th Edition
7A-7 Landolt-Börnstein, 1st-6th Edition st edition (1883) 261 pages 6 editions published up to now each a thorougly revised version of the predecessor continously expanded to accommodate new data today 271 volumes editors and authors: international team of more than 1000 well-known experts
7A-8 Landolt-Börnstein
7A-9 Landolt-Börnstein, New Series since 1961 Due to the very scope of covered material: No 7th edition in traditional, rigidly structure New publishing strategy since 1961 New Series: more flexible approach no formal schedule regarding content or date continued in open-ended-form adapting to developing needs of science
7A-10 Landolt-Börnstein,
7A-11 Landolt-Börnstein Groups
7A-12 II/24/B: II/24/B: Molecular Constants II/24/B Molecular Constants from Microwave, Molecular Beam, and Sub-Doppler Laser Spectroscopy II/24/B Molecular Constants from Microwave, Molecular Beam, and Sub-Doppler Laser Spectroscopy - Introduction - Introduction - Constants of diamagnetic molecules - Constants of diamagnetic molecules - Asymmetric top molecules - Asymmetric top molecules II. Molecules and Radicals
7A-13 Landolt-Börnstein Book and CD-ROM
7A-14 Landolt-Börnstein Book and CD-ROM II. Molecules and Radicals
7A-15 Landolt-Börnstein Book and CD-ROM Molecules and Radicals II/24/B
7A-16 Landolt-Börnstein Book and CD-ROM Molecules and Radicals II/24/B
7A-17 Landolt-Börnstein Book and CD-ROM Molecules and Radicals II/24/B
7A-18 Landolt-Börnstein Online: Millennium-Campaign Data from the New Series volumes online (out of 271 volumes) ca pdf-Seiten online available Integration to the new LINK Search Access via table of contents Free test access when registered (User ID: laboe, passwort: mille) (
7A-19 Project-concept 2000 Landolt Börnstein Implementation in LINK Marketing campaign for agencies, subscribers and new customers free test access during the Millennium Campaign Preparation of data after 1990 Price- and Marketing plan for 2001 Connection to A&I Services
7A-20 Projekt concept 2001 Landolt-Börnstein online as inhouse- system for big companies pay per view Integration of Indices Integration of existing CD-ROMs
7A-21 Landolt-Börnstein Online Problems: No electronic data Chapter with more than 100 pages Very big table of contents Solutions Scanned pages => pdf-Data Division of big pdf-files with AppendPDF in sub-chapters (size of data < 1,5 MB) Java-script and frames-structure creates clearness