1 Al-Farabi Kazakh National University Faculty of Chemistry and Chemical Technology
Faculty specialities (educational programs) №SpecialityTraining period Bachelor 15В – chemistry4 years 25В – chemical technology of inorganic substances4 years 35В – chemical technology of organic substances4 years Master 16М – chemistry2 years 26М – chemical technology of inorganic substances2 years 36М – chemical technology of organic substances2 years 46М – chemistry (pedagogical)2 years 56М oil and gas business2 years 66М – chemical technology of explosives and pyrotechnic means2 years 76М – petroleum chemistry2 years 86М – nanomaterials and nanotechnologies2 years 96М – material science and technology of new materials2 years Doctor of philosophy (PhD) 16D – chemistry3 years 26D – chemical technology of inorganic substances3 years 36D – chemical technology of organic substances3 years 46D – chemical technology of explosives and pyrotechnic means3 years 56D – petroleum chemistry3 years 66D – nanomaterials and nanotechnologies3 years
3 Position in the national rankings 2014 to bachelor Natural sciences 5В Chemistry 1 Al-Farabi Kazakh National University Gumilev Eurasian National University Auezov South Kazakhstan State University Technical sciences and technologies 5В Chemical Technology of Inorganic Substances 1 Al-Farabi Kazakh National University Auezov South Kazakhstan State University Satpayev Kazakh National Technical University В Chemical Technology of Organic Substances 1 Al-Farabi Kazakh National University Satpayev Kazakh National Technical University Almaty Technological University511.83
4 Faculty of Chemistry and Chemical Technology Department of general and inorganic chemistry Department of analytical, colloidal chemistry and technology of rare elements Department of physical chemistry, catalysis and petroleum chemistry Department of chemistry and technology of organic substances, natural compounds and polymers Department of chemical physics and material science Research Institute of New chemical technologies and materials Center of physico-chemical methods of analysis Institute of Combustion Problems 9 Scientific laboratories 10 Scientific laboratories 10 Scientific laboratories and experimental site
Contingent of students in the academic year YearNumber of students Bachelor 1 st year335 2 nd year275 3 rd year232 4 th year323 Total1165 Master 1 st year135 2 nd year110 Total245 PhD 1 st year nd year1616 3rd year1515 Total47 Total number of students 1457
The staff of the faculty at the academic year DepartmentStaff positions Chemistry and technology of organic substances, natural compounds and polymers 41,25 Analytical, colloidal chemistry and technology of rare elements 34,75 Chemical physics and material science 26,75 General and inorganic chemistry 25,0 Physical chemistry, catalysis and petroleum chemistry 37,25 TOTAL faculty165,0
Distribution of state grants to universities of Kazakhstan in "5B Chemistry" in 2014
Distribution of state grants to universities of Kazakhstan in "5B Chemical technology of inorganic substances" in 2014
Distribution of state grants to universities of Kazakhstan in "5B chemical technology of organic substances" in 2014
Passing scores on faculty specialties
Results TDMA 2014 students of the Faculty