Electronic Workshop Electrical Circuits Dr. Sandra Cruz-Pol Professor Electrical & Computer Engineering UPRM
Once upon a time… E produces H, and vice versa! E=>H Discovery by professor Oersted’s demo! zCan H=>E ? Finally 11 years later…YES!!! zUsed in generating electricity yFirst DC –Thomas Edison – not so good yThen AC – Nikola TESLA – GREAT!! xInvented ac motor, radio, design Niagara Falls generator, distribution systems, fluorescence lamps, remote control, wireless, logic circuits, 3 phasic and many modern things.
How a Motor works? zhttp://
How an electric Generator works? zhttp://
Electrical Circuits It most have a closed loop We will take a look at several electricity components & concepts: 1.Resistors 2.Capacitors 3.Series & Parallel Connections 4.LED 5.IC… or chips 6.Batteries 7.Nodes
Meet the Concepts: Resistor Resistors- reduce or resist the flow of electrons 0Black 1 2Red 3Orange 4Yellow 5Green 6Blue 7Purple 8Gray 9White
Series Connection Try to connect a circuit the one below using the color light bulbs provided V= I R
Parallel Connection Elements connect on both legs. I = V / R
What is a Node? How many nodes are in this circuit?
LED zLight emitting diodes (LED) like regular light bulbs but that are actually semiconductors that shine when an electrical current passes through them in a specific direction. zLow Power consumption! +
What is a circuit Board? Nodes?
Electronic Doorbell Speaker Switch
Electro-magnet ***Warning!! It can get HOT.
Capacitors Capacitors store electrons
Electric Circuit
Discharging a capacitor
Charge/discharge Capacitor Piezo- electric material
Chip – (integrated circuits) The 555 timer regulator pin layout (from
1k C ( F)Frequency (Hz) C C C C C C C7.0101,173
Myth: Why is the Ocean Blue? FALSE: The ocean is blue because the sky reflection on its surface. TRUE: Water is blue. frequency spectra But you need a huge amount of it to really see its color. Look at a swimming pool as it gets deeper; even on cloudy days.
Myth #2 zFALSE: Thomas Edison, greatest contributor to Electricity and systems used today. zTRUE: Nikola Tesla – greatest contributor to Electricity. Invented ac motor, perfected dc motor, invented radio transmission, (wireless) designed Niagara Falls generator, distribution systems, fluorescence lamps, remote control, wireless, logic circuits, 3 phasic and many others.
Where to find this material? zhttp://ece.uprm.edu/~pol/outreach.html/outreach.html Also look at: zhttp://casa.ece.uprm.eduhttp://casa.ece.uprm.edu zhttp://ece.uprm.edu/climmatehttp://ece.uprm.edu/climmate