CASE STUDIES ( APRIL 2013) Iron deficiency anaemia
Case1 35 year old lady with heavy periods Vegetarian Takes naproxen Smoker Stress at work Hb 108 low MCV What do you do?
Case 2 58 year old man Recently had a stroke Has carotid endartecetomy Started on Aspirin, and Clopidogrel Had one episode of pr bleed. Hb 104 What would you do?
Case3 52 year old lady Has now gone through the menopause Previous long standing hx of anaemia sec to heavy periods; managed with Fe tablets. Had an incidental blood test shows a Hb of 90 Microcytic anaemia What do you do?
Case 4 70 year old lady Had a Sigmoid tumour and had AP resection 8 years ago 2 years ago normal colonoscopy Now has a Hb of 114 drop from her normal 130 Low ferritin. What do you do next.
Case 5 44 year old female 3 month hx of frequency of bowel movement No Abdo pain Normocytic anaemia 105 Borderline ferritin, normal ESR, normal folate What do you do? 44 year old female 3 month hx of frequency of bowel movement No Abdo pain Normocytic anaemia 105 Borderline ferritin, normal ESR, normal folate What do you do?
Case6 38 year old woman Tired all the time Joint pains and a cough Night sweats Erratic periods Hb105, ESR raised, ferritin raised What do you do? 38 year old woman Tired all the time Joint pains and a cough Night sweats Erratic periods Hb105, ESR raised, ferritin raised What do you do?