INTRODUCTION Stock Control Software is an integrated accounting system which takes care of all business needs. It incorporates powerful features for maintenance of data related to general accounting, stock maintenance, sales, purchases and other facilities. Stock Control Software is specially design to manage overall accounting & inventory section and reduce overhead expenses. It is easy to access and useful for the businesses for the analyzing sales performance for different products, companies and customers. This software provides various reports of all sections and maintain the record according to financial year.
AUTHENTICATION In this software, we provide three levels of authentication. It includes : Superadmin (Add, Edit, View, Delete) Admin (Add, Delete, View) Employee (Add, View)
STOCK CONTROL MODULES Stock Control PurchaseStockAccountsSaleEntryHome Login Security Login Reports
SUPERADMIN MODULES This section is specially designed for the user who has all the rights of whole software. Superadmin section covered the following Modules. Entry Price List Stock Sales Purchase Login Security Reports
[A - 1] ENTRY MODULES Entry Customer Employee Supplier Finance SUPERADMIN SECTION Company Profile Company Expenses Employee Attendance
Features Provision for New Customer Entry. Provision for New Employee Entry. Provision for New Supplier Entry. Provision for Add Company profile. Provision for Add the company expenses. Provision for New System Entries like Bank Name, Item Name, Designation, Department etc. Attendance of Employees. [A - 1] ENTRY MODULES SUPERADMIN SECTION
[A - 2] INVENTORY MODULES Inventory New Item Stock Update Available Stock Goods Return SUPERADMIN SECTION Customer Supplier
Features Provision for updation of stock. Provision for new items. Provision for cut off level of each item. Stock Entry – Entry of purchased items. Display of available stock. Goods Return – User can store data about goods which returned by customer or to supplier. SUPERADMIN SECTION [A - 2] INVENTORY
SUPERADMIN SECTION [A – 3] PURCHASE MODULES Purchase Purchase Order Supplier Receipt Features Purchase section has been designed especially to keep the track of all purchase items. It also includes the payment given to supplier.
[A – 4] SALES MODULES Sales Order Delivery Memo Bills Customer Payment Due SUPERADMIN SECTION Features Provision for Sales Order. Delivery Memo - for those customer who buy products and wants delivery at home. Provision for Bills Generation.
Account Debit/Credit Credit Customer New Account Journal View journal View Company Transaction Employee Salary Salary Slip Employee Payment Employee Salary [A – 5] ACCOUNTS MODULES SUPERADMIN SECTION
Features Group/Sub-group-wise Trial Balance for any period. Multiple Debit/Credit entries through same voucher. Journal entry. Balance Sheet, Profit and Loss A/c. Employee’s salary. Create account of customer and supplier. [A – 5] ACCOUNTS MODULES SUPERADMIN SECTION
ADMIN MODULES This section is specially designed for the user who has some rights of whole software. Admin section covered the following Modules. Entry Inventory Sales Purchase Accounts Login Security Reports
[B - 1] ENTRY MODULES Entry Customer Employee Supplier ADMIN SECTION Company Expenses Employee Attendance
Features Provision for New Customer Entry. Provision for New Employee Entry. Provision for New Supplier Entry. Provision for Add Company profile. Provision for Add the company expenses. Provision for New System Entries like Bank Name, Item Name, Designation, Department etc. Attendance of Employees. [B - 1] ENTRY MODULES ADMIN SECTION
[B - 2] INVENTORY MODULES Inventory New Item Stock Update Available Stock Goods Return ADMIN SECTION Customer Supplier
Features Provision for updation of stock. Provision for new items. Provision for cut off level of each item. Stock Entry – Entry of purchased items. Display of available stock. Goods Return – User can store data about goods which returned by customer or to supplier. ADMIN SECTION [B - 2] INVENTORY
ADMIN SECTION [B – 3] PURCHASE MODULES Purchase Purchase Order Supplier Receipt Features Purchase section has been designed especially to keep the track of all purchase items. It also includes the payment given to supplier.
[B – 4] SALES MODULES Sales Order Delivery Memo Bills Customer Payment Due ADMIN SECTION Features Provision for Sales Order. Delivery Memo - for those customer who buy products and wants delivery at home. Provision for Bills Generation.
Account Debit/Credit Credit Customer New Account Journal View journal View Company Transaction Employee Salary Salary Slip Employee Payment Employee Salary [B – 5] ACCOUNTS MODULES ADMIN SECTION
Features Group/Sub-group-wise Trial Balance for any period. Multiple Debit/Credit entries through same voucher. Journal entry. Balance Sheet, Profit and Loss A/c. Employee’s salary. Create account of customer and supplier. [B – 5] ACCOUNTS MODULES SUPERADMIN SECTION
EMPLOYEE MODULES This section is specially designed for the user who has only entry rights in some of the pages of software. Employee section covers the following Modules. Entry Inventory Sales Purchase Accounts Login Security Reports
[C – 1] ENTRY SECTION Entry Customer Supplier Features Provision for New Customer Entry. Provision for New Employee Entry. Provision for New Supplier Entry. Provision for Add Company profile. Provision for Add the company expenses. Provision for New System Entries like Bank Name, Item Name, Designation, Department etc. Attendance of Employees. EMPLOYEE SECTION
[C– 4] PURCHASE SECTION Purchase Purchase Order Supplier Receipt EMPLOYEE SECTION
Features Provision for New Customer Entry. Provision for New Employee Entry. Provision for New Supplier Entry. Provision for Add Company profile. Provision for Add the company expenses. Provision for New System Entries like Bank Name, Item Name, Designation, Department etc. Attendance of Employees. [A - 1] ENTRY MODULES EMPLOYEE SECTION
Inventory Available Stock Goods Return Stock Entry EMPLOYEE SECTION [C - 2] INVENTORY MODULES Features Provision for updation of stock. Provision for new items. Provision for cut off level of each item. Stock Entry – Entry of purchased items. Display of available stock. Goods Return – User can store data about goods which returned by customer or to supplier.
Purchase Purchase Order Supplier Receipt EMPLOYEE SECTION [C - 3] INVENTORY MODULES Features Purchase section has been designed especially to keep the track of all purchase items. It also includes the payment given to supplier.
SALE Customer Order Sale DM Sale Bill Print(Receipt/Bill) EMPLOYEE SECTION [C - 4] SALES MODULES Features Provision for Sales Order. Delivery Memo - for those customer who buy products and wants delivery at home. Provision for Bills Generation.
Account New Account Debit/Credit Entry Customer Credit Entry Journal Entry View Journal EMPLOYEE SECTION [C - 5] ACCOUNTS MODULES
Features Group/Sub-group-wise Trial Balance for any period. Multiple Debit/Credit entries through same voucher. Journal entry. Balance Sheet, Profit and Loss A/c. Employee’s salary. Create account of customer and supplier. [C – 5] ACCOUNTS EMPLOYEE SECTION
[C– 6] LOGIN SECURITY SECTION Login Security Security Question Change Password EMPLOYEE SECTION
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