PRESENTATION BY Dr. C. A. SRINIVASAMURTHY PROFESSOR Department of Soil Science and Agricultural Chemistry University of Agricultural Sciences, GKVK, Bangalore-65 HUMAN URINE A SUPPLEMENT TO CHEMICAL FERTILIZERS
Fertilizer Most essential input in the present day agriculture. Manufactured using fossil fuels,intensive use leads to pollution. Global consumption of fertilizer has increased by over 31 % from 1996 to per cent increase in developing countries.International Fertilizer Industry Association. Fertilizer inflation has created a crisis in countries that subsidises fertilizer use for farmers. In India, the country’s subsidy bill could be as high as 22 billion dollars in as against 4 billion dollars in
ANNUAL PLANT NUTRIENTS TRANSPORT Present Removal of Nutrients -25 mt/ year Addition of Nutrients - 18 mt/ year Projected 2025 Removal of Nutrients -45 mt/ year Addition of nutrients - How much ???
1. 50% Nutrient transported to urban areas. 2. Only 2% is recycled to fields. 3. Nutrient supply mostly through unbalanced use of chemical fertilizers. 4. Animal residues PLANT NUTRIENTS PILING UP IN URBAN AREAS (NEGILIGANT RECYCLING) Animals Chemical fertilizers Recycling 2% only 90% Fertilizers Animal residues City 50% Nutrients N P K
Indian population- 100,00,00,000 Average – 500 litres of human urine/ person/year Urine production ,00,00,000 litres/year (50 crores cubic meters / 5000 lakh cubic meters ) Nitrogen content-0.3 % 150,00,00,000 kg of N/year 1.5 kg nitrogen/person/year ParametersVegetarian Non- Vegetarian Nitrogen Phosphorus potassium Sodium LIQUID WASTE GENERATION
Calculated estimation of the excretion in the different countries CountryN kg/cap yr P kg/cap. yr. K kg/cap. yr. Sweden China Haiti India South Africa Uganda Hakan Jonsson (2003)
Table 1.Characterization of anthropogenic liquid waste collected at different dates Sl. No. ParametersNutrient contentAverage 1.pH Electrical conductivity (d Sm -1 ) Biological oxygen demand (mg litre -1 ) Chemical oxygen demand ( mg litre -1 ) Nitrogen (Per cent) Phosphorus (Per cent) Potassium (Per cent) Calcium (meq litre -1 ) Magnesium (meq litre -1 ) Sulphur ( mg litre -1 ) Zinc ( mg litre -1 ) Iron ( mg litre -1 ) Manganese ( mg litre -1 )Trace 14Sodium (Per cent) Carbonate (meq litre -1 ) Bicarbonate (meq litre -1 ) Total dissolve solids ( mg litre -1 ) Total hardness TSS (mg litre -1 )
Effect of urine application on spinach plant - Peter Morgan (2004) -Africa Treatment details: T1-water only T2- 3:1 water/urine Frequency of application :0.5litres 2 X per week
Option for better use of human urine Soil application- urine as a liquid fertilizer- Maize Ferti-irrigation - Banana
Soil application- urine as a liquid fertilizer Recommendation for Maize crop Chemical fertilizer –150:75:40 kg NPK ha -1 ALW-756 liters/216 m 2, 58, liters ha -1
Studies on the effect of ALW on maize grain yield(q/ha) Treatment Grain yield(q/ha) Control40.37 Chemical fertilizer79.87 Human urine80.95
Tables. Economics of cultivation of maize crop as influenced by application of Human urine Treatments Grain yield (q ha -1 ) Returns (Rs) Stock (Stover yields) (Rs) Gross returns (Rs) Cost of cultivation (Rs) Net returns (Rs) C:B ratio Cost of savings (Rs) T1T :1.66- T2T :3.03- T3T : T4T : T5T : T6T : T7T : T8T : T9T : T : Note Urea- Rs /kg Single super phosphate – Rs.3.50 Mop – Rs. 4.75
Ferti-irrigation - Banana Fertilizer Recommendation – 400:240:500 kg NPK /ha ALW-3768 liters/120 plants. liters. Location- Nagasandra, Farmer name- Prakash
Table Effect of anthropogenic liquid waste on number of hands per bunch, number of fingers hand -1, bunch weight (kg) and yield (t ha -1 ) Treatments No. of hands per bunch No. of fingers\ bunch - 1 Bunch weight (kg) Yields ( t ha -1 ) Control Chemical fertilizer Human urine
IMPACT OF EXCESS USE OF HUMAN URINE ???? Salt build up in soil. Sodium build up in soil leading to soil sodicity. PREVENTIVE MEASURES Controlled one time land application Application based on nitrogen requirement of crops
Collection of Human urine Installed –Department of soil science, GKVK, Bangalore
Green house experimental results - French beans
TREATMENTPlant height (cm) No.of leaves Yield fruit weight (g) Human urine Cow urine Chemical fertilizer control Crop : Tomato (Ruchi )
Chemical Fertilizer treated pots Cow urine treated potsHuman urine treated pots LEAFY VEGETABLES- Amaranthus
Chemical fertilizers Cow urine Human urine CAPSICUM
On going experiments at farmers fields
Human urine Cow urine Ash guard