Kok Patrick 谷祖德 Cheng Chung Ming 鄭仲明 Lee Ah Mei 李雅眉 Shum Chin Kei 岑展基
Classification of Plants and Animals Animal Kingdom Animal Kingdom U Invertebrates U Vertebrates Plant Kingdom Plant Kingdom Non-flowering plant U Flowering plant
Living Things Living things Animal Plant
Revision Basic characteristics of living things Respiration Respiration Growth Growth Movement Movement Nutrition Nutrition Excretion Excretion Reproduction Reproduction Irritability Irritability
Animal Kingdom Invertebrates (without backbone) 無脊椎動物
Animal Kingdom Vertebrates ( with backbone ) 脊椎動物 Vertebrates ( with backbone ) 脊椎動物 Fishes Amphibians Reptiles Birds Mammals
Characteristics of Fishes W Body covered with slimy scale W Use gill for breathing W Use fin for swimming W cold-blooded animals W external fertilization W e.g. carp, goldfish, shark
Characteristics of Amphibians U Body covered with moist skin without scales U Use skin, lung and gills(tadpoles) for breathing U cold-blooded animals U external fertilization U frog, salamandar
Characteristics of Reptiles U Body covered with hard and dry scale U Use lungs for breathing U cold-blooded animals U Internal fertilization U Lay shelled egg U e.g. lizard, snake, turtle
Characteristics of Birds U Body covered with feathers U Use lung for breathing U With a pair of wings U Lay shelled egg U warm-blooded animals U Internal fertilization U e.g. penguins, Owl
Characteristics of Mammals U Body covered with hairs U Use lung for breathing U With mammary gland U With diaphragm U Internal fertilization U warm-blooded animals U e.g. rat, bat, whale, dolphin
Plant Kingdom Flowering plant ã Angiosperms ( 被子植物 ) Non-flowering plant ã ã Algae ( 藻類 ) ã ã Mosses ( 蘚類 ) ã ã Ferns ( 蕨類 ) ã ã Gymnosperms ( 裸子植物 )
Non-flowering plant - Algae U Without roots, stems or leaves U All contain chlorophyll U Live in water U e.g. Spirogyra, Fucus
U Small green plant U With simple leaves and stems but no true roots (rhizoids) U No vascular tissues U Live in damp places e.g. Polytrichum Non-flowering plant - Mosses
Non-flowering plant - Fungus U No green pigment U No true root system U Non-photosynthetic
U With proper roots, stem and leaves U With vascular tissues U Reproduced by spores U Live in damp places U e.g. water fern Non-flowering plant - Ferns
Non-flowering plant - Gymnosperms U Large evergreen trees U With seed growing inside cones U With needle-shaped leaves U e.g. pine, cycad, ginkgo
Flowering plant - Angiosperms U With flowers U Seeds produced inside the ovary U (i)Dicotyledons U e.g.sunflower, rose, Bauhinia U (ii)Monocotyledons U e.g.rice, wheat, palm 雙子葉植物