5/25/2016 Welcome! It’s Time to Shine School Year Madison Middle School Mrs. Paige Pratt 6 th Grade Language Arts
5/25/2016 Welcome to Madison Middle We are excited about the beginning of a new school year and have many wonderful learning experiences planned. Our goal is to help students become not only critical thinkers but also productive citizens for our future. Our expectations for behavior and standards for academic growth are high. With your partnership in and out of the classroom, we can look forward to a great year together.
5/25/2016 Language Arts Curriculum READING Scholastic Scope Titanic: Voices from the Disaster The Westing Game Prentice Hall Literature Library Books Literature Circles When possible, it would be great for students to have their own copy of the book so they can mark notes in their copy.
5/25/2016 Language Arts Curriculum WRITING Traits of Writing Journal The students will complete various writing assignments: narrative, informative, and argumentative. Most writing assignments will be completed in class.
5/25/2016 Language Arts Curriculum Grammar/Mechanics This will primarily be taught in the context of writing and reading, but students will complete Daily Grammar Practice. Our sixth grade focus is pronouns, but we will also concentrate on sentences and paragraph development.
5/25/2016 Language Arts Curriculum Vocabulary A unit of 20 words from Vocabulary Workshop will be assigned bi-weekly. Most homework will be in this area. They will need to study these at home.
5/25/2016 Classroom Policies Be on time. Be prepared. Be respectful and kind. Be involved. Be responsible. Be a great classroom citizen.
Discipline Procedures Consequences: 1 st Offense- Verbal warning and conference with teacher. 2 nd Offense- Parent Notice I 3 rd Offense- Parent Notice II 4th Offense-Office Referral Rewards: Positive recognition, Paw Prints, and positive parent notes. 5/25/2016
Homework Homework will be assigned weekly but should not take too much time. Students are expected to read at home. Check the Homework Blog at: /madison middle /teachers /paige pratt /homework. 5/25/2016
Grading Daily Grades are 34% of the student’s grade (homework, quizzes, and Jag Mark). Quizzes count twice. Tests are 66% of the student’s grade (most writing assignments are test grades).
Supplies 1 ½” or 2” 3-ring binder with pockets, three dividers, and notebook paper to share with math A red pen composition notebook sticky notes 5/25/2016
Contact Information is the BEST way to reach me at School Phone: (601) Assignments are posted weekly under my name on the school website. Language Arts Information Sheet
Important Info Titanic Times - Friday, Nov Volunteers will be needed. If a student is absent for more than one day, call the office before 2 nd block and make-up work can be picked up the same day. $25 Workbook Fee Paw Print for an to schools.com with a short note about how I can help your schools.com Wish List (Yellow or Blue Copy Paper) 5/25/2016