Welcome to English 3CP Mrs. Wallace Room A220 Period 6
About Mrs. Wallace 31st year of teaching high school English 25th year of teaching at Tracy High School BA English from San Jose State University, 1983 Office hours/makeup day: Changed to Tuesdays or by appointment How to contact me: – Home phone #: (209) (web pg)
How to Help Your Child Check the Parent Portal and also have your student check it –get the code from the Counseling Office if you don’t have this yet. Be aware of what we are doing in class by checking out my web page: Get on my Remind.com list to get homework and other class reminders me whenever you have questions or concerns at
Other Important Information Parent Connect – stay on top of student grades My website: (much easier to use than the district website) oAgendas oVocabulary lists oBell work assignments oClasswork oHomework oDue dates oUpdated daily oCheck when absent – see what you missed
How to Get on my Remind.com List Send a text message to: (469) With the OR Send a text message to: With the OR Send an to: (NOTE: this is one-way texting only)
What Students Will Learn Critical thinking Different strategies to read and understand text A variety of writing styles, including reflective essay & workplace documents (job application, cover letter, resume, & references) First semester: Primarily American Literature from the Holt textbook and The Great Gatsby Second semester: To Kill a Mockingbird & A Raisin in the Sun (possibly Catcher in the Rye) Selected magazine, newspaper, and on-line articles Vocabulary Grammar
3CP Homework Approximately four nights per week About minutes per night One “writer’s notebook” entry per week Late work will not receive full credit Long-term projects approximately once per quarter
11 th Grade District Assessments Common Core Assessments Reflective Essay Workplace Documents: Job Application Cover Letter Resume
Vocabulary From the literature Test weekly on Fridays Vocabulary cards & story due each Thursday using the words SAT words & roots during warm-ups
Daily Bell Work – Skill Practice Classwork done in spiral notebook which is collected and graded periodically Variety of skills, including: Grammar Word roots Descriptive writing Quotation responses Journals Short poetry analyses
Writing Essay writing related to the literature Weekly writing once per week– students choose genres (must cover 4 genres within the quarter): Memories; observations; descriptions; make believe; letters; future plans, hopes or dreams; reading/literature/imitation; other (see list for specific entry ideas) Purpose 1) To develop writing skills and promote reflective writing while providing students with some freedom of choice 2) To help students write a variety of genres and styles beyond the essay 3) To help students develop their own voice through writing
Grades Late work is NOT accepted for full credit Tests/quizzes must be made up within one week Students should see me for help when they need it – before or after school. Point system based on difficulty of assignment Quarter 1 = 45% Quarter 2 = 45% Final Exam = 10% Semester final reflects what students should have learned over the course of the semester Updated weekly
Wish List Tissue ***** Fine-tipped expo markers Sheet protectors Hand sanitizer Pencils Binder paper Colored paper Markers Glue sticks