Welcome To Mrs. Ritch’s Third Grade Class!
A little bit about your child’s teacher… This will be my 4 th year teaching. I graduated from Coker College in Hartsville, SC on May 5, I was born in Florence, South Carolina and have been here all my life. I spend the majority of my time with my family. I am the youngest of three. My husband’s name is Cody and we have been married for 2 years. We have no children of your own, but we have 3 nieces. I love the third grade and I am very excited about this school year.
Classroom Rules Listen when someone talking. Follow directions the first time they are given. Treat everyone with kindness and respect. Take care of our school and classroom. Work and play safely and quietly.
Behavior and Classroom Rules Behavior chart – green, yellow, blue, orange, purple and red Green – Good Day Yellow – Warning Blue – Lose 5 Minutes of Recess Orange – Lose all of Recess Purple – Parent Notification Red – Office Referral Bear Bucks and treats are given on Friday for remaining on green all week and completing all assignments..
Dress Students need to be comfortable. Dress for P.E. (Thursdays) (sneakers and socks, pants, shorts, no skirts or flip flops) You may send a jacket to leave in the room if your child gets cold in class. Girls wear shorts under skirts (when possible). Girls need to go by the skin test when wearing shorts or skirts. Jewelry – do not let your child wear jewelry other than earrings, it may get lost or broken. It is also a safety hazard on the playground.
Bear Bucks Students will have an opportunity to earn Bear Bucks. Students can earn Bear Bucks in several ways: Having homework all week Keeping desk organized Wearing Carver t-shirts on Friday Various other class wide opportunities
Supplies Thank you for sending in the beginning of the year supplies. They will be a big help during the year. Please send in $7 for Social Studies Weekly as soon as possible. Additional supplies that are needed for the classroom can be found on our class wish list, which is posted on the door and my webpage.
Class Schedule 7:35-8:00 Morning Work 8:00-8:30 Social Studies 8:30-8:55 Health 8:30-8:55Social Studies 8:55-9:45 Related Arts/ Specials 9:45-10:45 Reading 10:45-11:45 Math 11:45-11:55Writing 11:55-12:20Lunch 12:20-12:45 Writing 12:45-1:00Recess 1:00- 1:30Science 1:30-2:00Reading Renaissance 2:00-2:15Pack-Up, Agenda Signing, Dismissal
Recess Rules 12:45-1:00 We will go outside daily (weather permitting). Please dress your child for the weather. Toys – Please do not send any toys with your child. They may get lost or broken. Football – Please do not send footballs with your child. They get too rough for this game at recess. All school rules will be followed at recess!
Related Arts (8:55-9:45) Our related arts schedule is as follows: Monday – Science Lab Tuesday – Art Wednesday – Music Thursday – PE (9:05-10:05) Friday – Computer
Lunch Lunch time – 11:55-12:20 Lunch boxes – Please send a lunch that your child can open and eat without the need of a microwave. Food cannot be refrigerated! Talking is not permitted for the first 10 minutes of lunch. Put all lunch money in a Ziploc bag or envelope.
*School Times* The day begins at 7:45 and ends at 2:15. It is very important that your child arrives to school on time because of attendance, lunch choices, and morning assignments. If your child is eating breakfast they must be here no later than 7:35. Students who come in after 7:45 must enter through the front doors and will be marked tardy. You cannot sign your child out after 1:30. The end of the day is a very important time of the day in our classroom.
Birthdays and Parties If you send invitations, please send one for every child. If you would like to send in cupcakes or individually wrapped treats for a birthday, please send them before lunch.
Grades and Papers The grading scale in third grade is numeric. Grading scale: A B C D F – below I Incomplete E S N – 79 Promotion Guidelines for 3 rd grade Must Have a 70% or above in the following subject areas: Math Reading/ELA
Reading Renaissance We will be concentrating on comprehension as well as points in AR this year. Students will be rewarded for achieving goals set for them. We ask that students read for a minimum of 20 minutes each night to help them achieve their goal. MyOn Each student has a MyOn account that they can access by any computer. Students can read a variety of books online and quiz on them here at school. More information will be sent home after school begins.
Homework and Agenda Please check and sign your child’s agenda daily. Two consecutive days without a signature will result in recess detention. Please check your child’s binder for important papers. Please send backpacks everyday! All assignments should be returned on time with your child’s name written at the top. Missing assignments will result in recess detention. Spelling lists will be written in the agenda on Fridays for the following week.
Weekly Tests, Quizzes, and Assignments Monday: read novel/ study vocabulary Tuesday: read novel/study vocabulary Wednesday: DOL and Math 4 Today tests Thursday: Reading test/vocabulary test Friday: Spelling Test Expect spelling and math practice work each night. Reading novels and library books should go home daily, other books as needed. Science, Social Studies, and Math tests will be schedule as we complete each unit. These test dates will be sent out in weekly s and in your child’s agenda.
DOL and Math-4-Today Each morning your child will complete part of their weekly DOL and Math-4-Today study guide for morning work. We will go over the study guides daily. DOL and Math-4-Today tests will be given on Wednesdays.
Unit/Benchmark Tests Reading: After every unit your child will be given a district benchmark test covering all skills taught during the unit. Math: Math Chapter tests will be given at the conclusion of each chapter. Look for study guides in your child’s binder. Social Studies & Science: At the end of each nine weeks, your child will be given a district Social Studies & Science Benchmark test based on skills taught during that nine weeks. Look for study guides in your child’s binder.
Volunteers There are many ways that you can volunteer. You can come in and read with the students, cut and glue items at home, send in any needed items and/or snacks, etc. Please let me know if you are interested in volunteering in any way. You will need to complete a SLED background check form and I must have it back from the District Office before you may volunteer. Always get a nametag from the office. This rule is school wide and helps to keep your child safe. If you are volunteering, please silence and put away any electronic devices.
Going Home Send a written note with your child if he or she will be going home a different way. If I do not receive a note, your child will be sent home the way that they usually go home. (No s Please!) If you are picking your child up in carline – please have a carline sign, stay in your car, and be patient. Car riders must have the correct Carver sign for the carline or the parent/guardian must park and come inside to get them.
Medicines/Illness Please do not send medicine with your child to school. It must be given to the nurse with the child’s name and teacher’s name on it. Please notify me if your child takes daily medications and must report to the nurse. If your child has not been feeling well, please send me a note. Please keep your child home if they are sick! Please keep all phone numbers current! Send excuses for missed days (parent or medical)! If your child has an allergy or other medical condition please notify me ASAP.
*Safety Procedures* We want all students to have a fun and safe learning experience at Carver. Therefore, we practice safety procedures throughout the school year, including fire drills, tornado drills, and earthquake drills. This year we will be practicing procedures for a lock down drill. There will be a separate alarm, similar to the fire alarm.
Miscellaneous You will receive phone calls through Parent Link from Mr. Rogers letting you know about school events. Students will take MAP tests three times throughout the year to show growth. Monday folders will be sent home with graded papers weekly. Progress reports will be sent home every other week. (Remember, you can see grades by logging onto PowerSchool.) Students will take the PASS test for the first time this year.
Online Access Newsletters will be ed to parents who provided an address. They can also be found on the grade level webpage: My personal webpage will also have information you may want to access. / /
We are going to have a great year!!! Do not hesitate to call if you have any questions or concerns. I want the best for your child, too. Carver’s phone number is Conferencing will be held by appointment and cannot be held before school hours. I look forward to working with you and your child during this school year. –