Reminders Turn in HOURS HOURS are due TODAY Insect test retakes this week only! Grade worksheets in a few minutes Next week is Shark week, this week is an introduction to all chordates/vertebrates.
The Vertebrate Animals
All Vertebrates are Chordates Phylum chordata! Chordates ALL have 4 characteristics sometime during their lives a notochord nerve cord gill slits a tail
The non-vertebrate chordates - Tunicates
About the Amphioxus song
99% of chordates are vertebrates - Characteristics of Vertebrates Bilateral Symmetry with 2 pairs of appendages, cephalization (sense organs concentrated in a head region) True body cavity closed circulatory system. Endoskeleton including a vertebral column Well developed body systems.
Comparative Numbers of Species
Classes of Vertebrates Jawless fish Cartilaginous Fishes Bony Fish Amphibians Reptiles Birds Mammals
Jawless Fish Primitive, no paired fins no bone, all cartilage Lamprey – a parasite Hagfish – scavenger, also called slime eel.
Jawless Fish
Cartilage Fish Sharks, skates, rays 750 species Ventral mouth Spiral valve increases surface area Massive liver (up to half body weight) skin with tooth-like scales
Cartilage Fish
Bony Fish 20-30,000 species Appeared 400 million years ago Cold blooded, flat scales, swim bladder gills and gill cover Most lay eggs eyes usually on the side of the head
Bony Fish
Amphibians 2000 species, appeared 350 million years ago. Cold-blooded, moist skin, lungs, no claws Lay jellylike eggs Life cycle includes a larval stage 90% are frogs and toads
Reptiles 6500 species, appeared 300 million years ago. Cold-blooded, hard shelled eggs, internal fertilization Body covered with scales. Include crocodilians, lizards and snakes, turtles and the tuatara
Birds 8600 species, appeared 130 million years ago. Warm blooded, 4 chambered heart Feathered dinosaurs Feathers, crop, oil glands, hollow bones, fused skeleton---all adaptations for flight.
Mammals First appeared 180 million years ago 4500 species, most are placental. 2 primitive orders; monotremes and marsupials Diaphragm, hair, mammary glands, lips, different kinds of teeth, external ears.
Vert./Chordate Quiz Tuesday!!! For more information 7 Vertebrate Classes.doc On WBP and Shared drive
The Vertebrate Animals