REPRODUCTION Coard 2010.  To produce offspring two special cells are needed. A cell is a microscopic part of an organism's body. The bodies of animals.


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Presentation transcript:


 To produce offspring two special cells are needed. A cell is a microscopic part of an organism's body. The bodies of animals are made of millions of cells.  There are many different sorts of cells in a body, each having specialized functions.  To reproduce, animals make special sex cells. In the male animal these sex cells are called sperm cells or sperm and in the female animal they are called egg cells or eggs. Coard 2010

 From the Male Sperm cells are very small. Over can fit on one pin head! All sperm have a head and a tail called a flagellum. They use the flagellum to swim through liquids. The head of the sperm is very important because it contains the nucleus. Sperm cells are made in very large numbers by special organs in the male's body called testes (sing. testis). Coard 2010

 From the Female Egg cells are produced by female animals in special organs called ovaries (sing. ovary). Human females produce ONE egg per month during menstruation. Egg cells are much bigger and simpler than sperm cells in their structure. The human egg cell is nearly 50 times wider than a sperm cell. Coard 2010

 The Fertilization Process The Fertilization Process In sexual reproduction, a new individual is formed through the union of an egg and sperm. Coard 2010

 Your envelope contains 12 slips of paper.  Each slip represents a part of the fertilization process.  Work with your group to put the steps in order. Coard 2010

 The fertilized egg moves from the fallopian tube. During this time it continuously divides. And is now called a ZYGOTE.  The woman is said to be pregnant.  The zygote slowly moves along the fallopian tube, still dividing, as it grows bigger it is now called an EMBRYO.  After about one week the embryo attaches itself to the uterus lining.  A foetus is formed eventually containing all the major organs. Coard 2010

 For some couples, fertilization cannot occur.  There may be problems with either the sperm in the man, or the egg and uterus in the woman.  One option available is to these individuals is IN VITRO FERTILIZATION (IVF) Coard 2010


 What do you think about in vitro fertilization?  Do you have any concerns about it? Coard 2010

 Fertilization is the point in reproduction where the sperm and egg fuse to form a new individual  The fertilization process begins with sexual intercourse and ends with pregnancy.  Sometimes people have problems with conceiving.  When this happens, people can access options such as in vitro fertilization Coard 2010