Stages of Life Over the time, our way of living has changed a lot. Today we do even simple things in a much better and easy way. Now-a-days we live more comfortably than our forefathers used to live. An Old City A Modern City
Early Life Babies and Toddlers Olden Times Modern Times Born in unhygienic homes. Majority of infants used to die before their first birthday. Used to have less nutritious food. Born in hygienic hospitals. Infant mortality reduced significantly due to better medicines. Have balanced diets. Pictures of olden days unhealthy infants are Too Scary to be displayed. Modern day, Healthy baby!
Kids and Teen Agers Olden Times Modern Times Happy kids at school Lived in unhygienic mud/thatched homes. Not many toys to play with. Many children were not able to attend good schools. Used to work with their parents on farms using basic tools. The biggest job for the family including children was to make candles because there was no electricity. Had to fetch water from streams and wells. Today we live in very hygienic homes. We got heaps of toys including computer games. There are lot of good public and private schools. Education is compulsory almost all over the world. Spend more time in learning and education. Children have to study hard and then enjoy the fun activities. Happy kids at school 3
Children playing in present days Children playing in the past Children performing their duties in the past Children learning and gaining knowledge 4
Adult Working Life Olden Times Modern Times Used to work on farms with basic tools. There were not many facilities like electricity, clean water. Used to travel on horses, donkeys and camels. Used to wear simple clothes made of cotton and animals’ skin. Used to wear basic wooden/animal skin shoes. Lack of science and technology. Even no cameras therefore it is difficult to get pictures of old days. Used to gather in the evening and tell folk stories to each other and had fun. In leisure time they used to have sports and competition. Had less things but used to be happy. Have very efficient tools to work with. Now we have electricity, clean water, hospitals and good schools and offices. We travel comfortably and quickly by car, aeroplanes and ships. We wear very good quality clothes made from cotton, wool and synthetic material. Use very comfortable and stylish shoes now. Have modern equipped kitchens. Play indoor games. Enjoy movies and television. Use computer and internet for speedy work, information as well as recreation. Play sports and matches. Have many things but even then bored.
Responsibilities, Tools Olden Times Modern Times 6
Old Transport Modern Used basic animal drawn land transports. Used wood made small boats. Cycle was invented in very late days. Use comfortable cars for land transport. Use high speed safe huge ships for sea transport. Use ultra sonic aero planes for air travel. 7
Are we more happy today? Summary Life was much harder for the people of olden days. There was no electricity. They had to start their work before sunrise and finish before sunset. Not many doctors, hospitals and medicines. It used to take long time to travel between cities. New technology has changed the life style altogether. People have a lot of facilities which have given the man of modern times more time for leisure activities. Modern medicines and hospitals helped in increasing life span of modern man. We travel on fast cars, trains and ships. We travel between countries using ultra sound aero planes. But, our development has impacted our environment badly. Pollution is on the rise. Are we more happy today?