By: Reem Addam 7E
Plants can reproduce both Sexually and Asexually. Pictures: s/old%20sites/thsbiology /skinny/skinny_reproduct ion.html s/old%20sites/thsbiology /skinny/skinny_reproduct ion.html yPages/A/AsexualReprod uction.html yPages/A/AsexualReprod uction.html
Asexual reproduction means reproduction in which a cell doubles its contents and then divides into two identical cells. Information: efinitions/Def-A/asexual_reproduction.html Picture:
Budding in hydra Budding in yeast Spore Formation in Bread Mould Binary Fission in Bacteria Vegetative propogation in potatoes, in strawberries etc…
Check out this link it will tell you all about budding in hydra: ology/bl-83.jpeg
Look at this diagram: Picture: east1.JPG
Pollination is the process by which pollen is transferred in plants. Thereby allowing Fertilization and sexual reproduction. Information: rg/wiki/Pollination Picture: C/2/Images/Bee- Flower.jpg
Fertilisation is the fusion of pollen grain nucleus and ovule nucleus. Picture: _bg_top9fruit_img9.jpg
There are 4 different of seed dispersal and they are: Water Wind Explosion Animals
Seeds which float are carried away by water. Information: dispersal.html Picture: - s/Fruits21.jpg
Some seeds are carried to a new place by the wind. Information: al.html Picture: edu/michaels/thurs aft/Wind%20Dispers al%20dn.JPG
Some plants have pods that explode when ripe and shoot out the seeds. Information: Picture: uk/content/images/st ories/green_plants/ex plode_pod.jpg
The animal eats the fruit but only the juicy part is digested. It also hooks on the animal. Information: Dispersal.html Picture: studies- o/images/019- Merry.jpg
There are 2 kinds of seeds Dicot Seed Monocot Seed Picture: proutpeople.c om/kids/imag es/seed.dicot. monocot.wht. big.gif
A bean seed is a Dicot. Seed coat The bean seed has a split going down the middle of the seed. The two large parts of the seeds are called cotyledons. Cotyledons supply food for the young plant as its growing. Information: /seeds.html Picture: /dicot.gif
Monocots are seeds that only have 1 cotyledon, such as the corn seed, The corn seed has a seed coat but it does not slip off as easily as the bean seed does. It stays in one piece. Information: org/3715/seeds.html Picture: edu/mg/gardennotes/im ages/137-1.jpg
Air Water Sunshine Soil Air Air picture: Water Picture: Sunshine Picture: lnEwRLYS4Po/TVvMVTzGXTI/AAAAAAAADPs/GQ8W2F8XXkE/s1600/sunshine1.jpg lnEwRLYS4Po/TVvMVTzGXTI/AAAAAAAADPs/GQ8W2F8XXkE/s1600/sunshine1.jpg Soil picture: Water SunshineSoil
Germination of seeds is when the seeds grow into a plant. Picture: p- content/upload s/2011/02/ger mination.jpg