CECCD Colleges Inc. ~~~ WebQuest Presentation ~~~ Educational Technology 211 Mrs. Agnes Marcelo ~~~ Heather Briana C. Vinoya
Farm Web Quest
Introduction: Welcome to the Farm! A sheep is an animal found in the farm. What other animals can we find in the farm? Let us see!
Task: Kids, your job is to explore the web to do the following: 1. identify different animals in the farm 2. learn and identify the sounds of these animals 3. match the baby animals to their mothers 4. make a picture book of the farm animals 5. make your own cyber farm 6. choose your favorite farm animals When you're done exploring, it will be your turn to make your own animal face mask, color and design your mask and place 5 animals you like in our big red barn. When you're complete, share with the class why you chose the animals and identify their sounds.
Process: Our Project will take about one week. You will finish this with a partner. Your group name will be a farm animal. Group 1: Sheep Group 2: Cow Group 3: HorseGroup 4: Pig
Process: First, let us sing Baa Baa Black sheep.
Process: Second, let us name farm animals. ChickenGoat
Process: Next, what sounds do these animals make?
Process: Then, choose your animal face mask. Color and design your own. identify the sound they make.
Process: Print and cut pictures of farm animals, mother and baby, then match.
Process: Print and cut some more pictures of farm animals for picture book. 1. cut out pictures 2. color 3. glue picture on paper 4. use animal picture vocabulary as a visual model 5. write the name of the animal on the same paper 6. put all papers together 7. staple top or left side to create a book 8. draw or cut out picture of a farm on cover 9. you made a farm animal book!
Process: Time to make a cyberfarm Go to CYBERFARM Print out when done.CYBERFARM Lastly, choose templates of animals to put in our big red barn. Cut, color and design the template. Use the materials from the arts and crafts corner. Put the animal template in our red big barn. Now, let’s watch a movie.movie
Evaluation: Beginning 1 Developing 2 Qualified 3 Exemplary 4 Identify animals on a farm Did not identify any of the animals on their farm. Ability to identify 3+ farm animals. Ability to identify 5 farm animals. Ability to identify 5+ farm animals. Stated the correct animal sound for each animal Did not state/associate any animal with its sound correctly Stated a minimum of 3 animal sounds correctly Stated a minimum of 5 animal sounds correctly Stated all 10 animal sounds correctly Farm animal matching Did not match any animals, babies to mothers, correctly Ability to match 3 farm animals correctly Ability to match 5 farm animals correctly Ability to match all farm animal babies to their mothers
Evaluation: Beginning 1 Developing 2 Qualified 3 Exemplary 4 Make a picture vocabulary book of farm animals Made no attempt to create/locate pictures to create book Attempts to glue a variety of pictures of farm animals to create a farm animal book Glued a minimum of five animal pictures (and attempts to labels each animal) to create a farm animal book Glued one picture of each farm animal on individual pages (and labels each animal) to create a farm animal book Create a cyber-farmNo attempt to go online to create a cyber-farm Accessed website, added 3 farm animals accessed website, added a barn and 5 animals (same or different), printed Created and printed out a cyber-farm that included a barn and 7-10 animals Make animals face mask Did not create a mask Started to make a mask of any farm animals Made a mask and designed it Made a 3D barn atleast 2 masks Learn and sing the song, "Old McDonald" Partially participates in singing the song and partially completes on verse Partially participates in singing the song and knows at least one full verse Participates in singing the song and know at least 2 verses Participates in singing the song and know at least 3 verses
Evaluation: Beginning 1 Developing 2 Qualified 3 Exemplary 4 Participate in group activities and contribute to project Attempted to work with the group Participated with the group by contributing to one task Participated with the group by contributing to two tasks Participated with the group by contributing to three tasks Presentation of farm project Student could not tell anything about the farm, barn or animals Student could identify through labeling objects on farm Students could label most animals, demonstrate most of the sounds that farm animals make and sing the Old McDonald song Students could label, demonstrate sound that the animals make and sing, "Old McDonald" Participation and motivation Distracted and needed redirection to engage in activity Participated but was distracted some of the time Was motivated and involved most of the time Was very motivated and actively participated in all projects
Conclusion: Yeah! Good Job! You did it! You can name farm animals. You know what sounds farm animals make. You made a farm animal book to share. You made a farm with a barn and animals. You can sing Old Macdonald. You are amazing! Now, share all you've learned with your family and friends.