Intended Outcomes Plan for Theme 7 using a graphic organizer Learn specific strategies to improve Plan for Weeks 1, 2, 3 & 4 o Whole Group o Small Group o Work Stations
Theme 7
Pacing Calendar Rodeo: March 4-23
Let’s Move on to Week 1 I Move 1 Phonological Awareness, Vocabulary Patterns, Numeracy Physical Development, Gross Motor, Life Science People- Past and Present
Let’s Travel to Week 2 Travel 2 Vocabulary, Oral Language, Comprehension Patterns, Position Words, Spatial Sense Position and Motion, Life Science, Characteristics of Organisms Geography, Navigation Tools
Let’s Transport to Week 3 Transportation 3 Vocabulary, Oral Language Data Analysis Safety, Physical Science, Gross Motor, Classification Social Skills, Voting, Citizenship
Let’s Move on to Week 4 Mysterious Movers 4 Vocabulary, Oral Language, Comprehension Direction, Location Concepts Position and motion, Comparing, Force and Motion, Light and Shadows Cultures
Let’s Talk About SCIENCE!
Physical Science Skills PK GuidelineWhat the student should be doing *VI.A.1 Describes, observes, and investigates properties and characteristics of common objects. Using senses to explore and sensory language to describe properties of natural and human-made materials Examines and describes the texture of materials Sorts, groups, or classifies objects in meaningful ways based on one or more properties *VI.A.2. Investigates and describes position and motion of object. Observes, measures, describes and demonstrates the various was objects can move Investigates and states conclusions after moving a variety of toy vehicles on different surfaces VI.A.3. Uses simple measuring devices to learn about objects. measures volume of water using non-standard measures (cups, bucket, etc.)
Physical Science Activities Frog Street Press: Week 1, Day 4 Sensory Table FS p.45 Week 3, Day 4 Sort and Classify FS p.123 Week 2, Day 1 Wash frog down a slope FS p.69 Week 4, Day 1 Learn how to move from one place to another FS p.128 Week 3, Day 3 Discuss likenesses and differences FS p.105 Week 4, Day 3 Force and Motion FS p.133
Physical Science Activities A large container box can be substituted for a Sand and Water table. Possible substitutes for sand: Beans Rice Tiny plastic beads
Physical Science Resources
Life Science Skills PK GuidelineWhat the student should be doing *VI.B.1. Identifies and describes the characteristics of organisms. Describes color, size, and shape of organisms Describes animals’ needs fro food, water, air, and shelter Uses the tools of science (hand lens, and measurement tools)
Life Science Activities Nonlinguistic Representations/Advance Organizers/Identifying Similarities and Differences Use animals or animal pictures that students draw, photos or pictures from books, photos of their own household pets, assortment of animal manipulatives to talk about how animals are the same/different. Allow children to sort the animal manipulatives or animal pictures into categories and have them explain how they sorted them. Assist children in creating class graphs showing the number of legs on their favorite animals. Match pictures (or manipulatives) of adult animals with the appropriate baby animals.
Earth and Space Science Skills PK GuidelineWhat the student should be doing *VI.C.1. Identifies, compares, discusses earth materials, and their properties and uses. Observes, discusses and compares earth’s materials VI.C.2.Identifies, observes, and discussed objects in the sky. investigates what happens to things exposed to the sun *VI.C.3. Observes and describes changes in the earth and sky. Explains what happens after a weather event Observes, records, and predicts what daily weather changes Investigates with objects to observe what happens during a windy day Observes shadows, and describes the relationships between the shadow and a light source Investigates and draws conclusions about shadows
Earth and Space Science Activities Whole group Cues, Questions & Advance Organizers Put rain gauges outside to collect rain. Talk with the children about the different amounts of rain collected on different days. Be sure to record the rainfall on a class chart or graph. Have students share their experiences of walking, traveling in a car, trying to sleep at night when it’s raining (and possibly thundering and lightening).
Personal Safety and Health Skills PK GuidelineWhat the student should be doing VI.D.1. Practices good habits of personal safety. Follows/ uses safety procedures while using common tools and procedures VI.D.2. Practices good habits of personal health and hygiene. Coughs and sneezes into their elbows (not cover their mouth with their hands) *VI.D.3. Identifies good habits of nutrition and exercise. Demonstrates and discusses the need for exercise and rest to stay healthy Identifies and discusses nutritious healthy snacks
Personal Safety and Health Activities Recommended Lesson Format Use of a modified 5-E model of instruction is encouraged throughout science lessons: o Engage (create interest, generate curiosity, motivate students) o Explore (ask inquiry questions, observe and listen, allow time for reflection) o Explain (build discussion, define and explain, ask for clarification) o Elaborate (use experience to enhance understanding, help apply new concepts) o Evaluate (observe behaviors, assess knowledge and skills, ask open-ended questions, use work stations as a management tool, implement the use of picture/word wall to reinforce vocabulary acquisition)
Science Stations
Science Walls
Science Anchor Charts
Science Walls
Theme 7 Activities Exploring With Ramps Sight Word Recognition Transportation Rhyming Highway Numbers/Letters Park and SpellMarble Run
Pinterest Boards
Table Activity
Weeks 1, 2, 3, & 4 Teacher Guide Planning Guides Instructional Strategies Online resources
Thanks for coming!