IFLTA 2012 Jill Woerner
Communication Connections Communities Cultures Comparisons
Prerequisite knowledge Food vocabulary Basic grammar constructions in a Level I classroom Basic understanding of the variety of countries in the Spanish-speaking world
Una persona – A countries/capitals/nationalities song to warm up daily. F:\PHMS Back-up June 2012\JWoerner\PHMS\Paises y Capitales\NationalitiesSong.docx F:\PHMS Back-up June 2012\JWoerner\PHMS\Paises y Capitales\NationalitiesSong.docx An intriguing question How do you choose a restaurant when you go out to eat?
From the student perspective Bulleted list of ideas for homework Brainstorm and share as a class Change the perspective (Communities) Their parents An elderly couple A handicapped/disabled individual A group of moms out for a “girls day” Etc…
Acquisition of new vocabulary (Comparisons) Marketing tactics (Connections) Country-specific information (Culture) Recipes, foods, photos & more (Culture)
Students as owners Marketing to their clientele Being prepared with questions Being prepared with responses Knowing their country-specific information Being creative & competitive Students as customers Understanding their role Preparing their questions Being fair in their decision
The comment cards Write their own Read their feedback Create a plan for improvement
Students learned country-specific information related to food, drinks, activities, locales and more. Students spoke ONLY the target language for the presentational days. Students collaborated and helped one another throughout. Students learned realistic, non-textbook related vocabulary that is applicable to intercultural opportunities. Students learned the value of preparation, creativity, listening to others needs and marketing! The students had FUN!