REPRODUCTION IN LIVING THINGS The reproduction is the ability of living things to give rise to other similar.
ASEXUAL REPRODUCTION LIVING THINGS CAN REPRODUCE SEXUALLY AND ASEXUALLY WAY ASEXUAL REPRODUCTION It’s the creation of a new organism itself by division. There are many living things that reproduce by asexual way. e.g. invertebrates, including sea stars and sea anemones.
ASEXUAL REPRODUCTION Asexual reproduction occurs in different ways: BIPARTITION: The cell reaches a certain size and then divides into two identical cells e.g. Amoeba and Euglena.
ASEXUAL REPRODUCTION BUDDING: It is forming a small bulge in the cell that then divides to form a smaller cell. E.g. Yest, Hidras
ASEXUAL REPRODUCTION REGENERATION: A piece of a living thing is detached. it can grow a developed in a completed new individual. E.g. Echinoderms FRAGMENTATION :In this type of reproduction, the body of the parent breaks into distinct pieces, each of which can produce an offspring
ASEXUAL REPRODUCTION SPORULATION: The cell is fragmented and each fragment is surrounded by a portion of the cytoplasm.
SEXUAL REPRODUCTION It’s the creation of a new organism by combining the genetic material of two organisms. The two main processes are: meiosis and fertilizationgeneticmeiosisfertilization
REPRODUCTION IN CELLS Cell division is the process by which a cell divides into two or more cells.cell In prokaryotes cells are known as binary fission.prokaryotesbinary fission
REPRODUCTION IN CELLS In eukaryotes cells are known as mitosis, the cell is capable of dividing again having the same number of chromosomes.eukaryotesmitosis
CELL DIVISION _MEIOSIS Other cell division present only in eukaryotes, is called meiosis, a cell is permanently transformed into a gamete and cannot divide again until fertilizationmeiosis gamete fertilization 1_-mQS_FZ0&feature=related MITOSIS-MEIOSIS
REPRODUCTION IN PLANTS In the beginning of plants’ evolution: One cell MITOSIS. Two cells MEIOSIS Later the plants began to live in land (mosses and Ferns) they developed other way to reproduce (sexual) by SPORES. plants-reproduce.html
REPRODUCTION IN PLANTS The land plants evolved to reproduce by SEEDS. (pine trees) (gymnosperms) The most advanced way of reproduction in plants are by FLOWERS and FRUITS. (angyosperms) o plants-reproduce.html
REPRODUCTION IN PLANTS There are two stages in this process: POLLINATION. It’s the passage of grains of pollen from the stamen to the pistil FERTILIZATION. It occurs when the pollen grain meets the egg to give rise to the seed and fruit. The pistil begins to swell to form seed
REPRODUCTION IN INSECTS Most insects species typically they have two sexes with males producing spermatozoa and females ova. mQBCBM&feature=related
REPRODUCTION IN ANIMALS Animals typically produce male gametes called sperm, and female gametes called eggs and ova. The fusion of two distinct GAMETES to form a zygote. GAMETES The gametes are: Haploid (It has one set of chromosomes) while the zygote is Diploid (It has two sets of chromosomes).Haploid Diploid
REPRODUCTION IN ANIMALS The male gamete is called spermatozoan. It’s motile and usually has a flagellum. The male gamete is called ovum. I’s nonmotile and it’s bigger than the male gamete.
REPRODUCTION IN ANIMALS All sexually-reproducing species have the basic life cycle, alternating between diploid and haploid forms. In addition, they will also use mitosis to grow into adult organisms. oplay&list=PL3EB6BB5F6B447F63&index=10&playnext=1
FEMALE REPRODUCTIVE SYSTEM Copyright Pearson Prentice Hall Fallopian tube Ovary Uterus Urinary bladder Pubic bone Urethra Vagina Rectum Cervix
MALE REPRODUCTIVE SYSTEM Copyright Pearson Prentice Hall Male Reproductive System Urinary bladder Vas deferens Pubic bone Urethra Penis Seminal vesicle Rectum Prostate gland Bulbourethral gland Scrotum Testis Epididymis
HOMEWORK Search about: 1. Asexual Reproduction in Plants 2. Parts of the flower and it functions 3. The seed structure and process in plant development 4. Animal reproduction according to zygote process. 5. Parts of Female reproductive system 6. Parts of a Male reproductive system 7. How does the human fertilization take place?