Week #2 Quarter 2 (10/21-10/25) (calendar site) (calendar site) Warm Up – Monday, 10/21 Pick Up: Worksheets on back station Have out: Worksheets you picked up Activities/Assignments: 1.Cornell Notes Review Homework: 1.Color of Water Test on Thursday, October 25 th. 2.2 sets of Cornell Notes for classes due Tuesday, 10/22 3.TRF due Tuesday, 10/22 4.TRF due Thursday, 10/23 5.Weekly Check Sheet due Monday, 10/28 AVID Learning Goal: I take advantage of opportunities to reflect on and improve my understanding through the use of Cornell Notes. Daily Question: How can I use Cornell Notes to effectively improve my learning?
Volunteer Hours!!! We need you to help out for a teacher PATH Training on October 25 th & 26 th ! When: Friday after school until 6pm Saturday from Doing What?: Running concession stands Showing off your binder “skills” with pride
Volunteer Hours!!! After School tutoring--PLEASE sign-up for once/twice a week! Hartford from 3-4 Monday thru Thursday Sanborn Anderson Elementary Willis Junior High 4-5 Monday thru Thursday Anderson Junior High
In Need Of… For the Chander Care Center's Thanksgiving Family Assistance Day, AVID is signed up to bring dry rice and dry pinto beans. The goal is at least 100 bags of each
Part 1: Vocabulary words (1 point each) Part 2: Character Matching(1 point each) Part 3: Plot Questions (1 point each) Part 4: Essay Prompts – Choose 2 out of 5 (10 points each) Know who: Mameh, Tateh, Ruth, James, Hunter, Andrew “Dennis”, Helen, Jackie, Aunt Mary, Bubeh Color of Water Test – 50 points October 24 th, 2013
Take your best five pages of Cornell notes from the past quarter. In pairs, examine each other’s notes, and specifically, how they utilized color. Generate a list of best practices regarding how you used color: Highlighting important points, revising notes in a different color, recording questions in a different color, etc. Need a few volunteers who think they have used color very effectively. Put under document camera to display the notes. Talk through your notes and how you use color.
You will need to have 10 to 18 pages, TOTAL, of Cornell notes (based on class expectations) for Tuesday’s. You can have all from one subject or a mixture of subjects. (Tomorrow is the exception but you will be expected to from now on!) You may replace 5 Cornell Notes with completing ONE Learning Log!
AVID Learning Goal: I take advantage of opportunities to reflect on and improve my understanding through the use of Cornell Notes.
Week #2 Quarter 2 (10/21-10/25) (calendar site) (calendar site) Warm Up – Tuesday, 10/22 Pick Up: Worksheets on back station Have out: Worksheets you picked up Activities/Assignments: 1.Cornell Notes Peer-Edit 2.TRF Homework: 1.Color of Water Test on Thursday, October 25 th. 2.TRF due Thursday, 10/ pages of Cornell Notes for classes due Tuesday, 10/29 4.TRF due Tuesday, 10/29 5.TRF due Thursday, 10/31 6.Weekly Check Sheet due Monday, 10/28 AVID Learning Goal: I take advantage of opportunities to reflect on and improve my understanding of learning through the use of Cornell Notes I can refine collaborative tutorial skills through tutor-led discussions with a focus on higher- level questioning Daily Question: How does Cornell Notes help improve my understanding of a lesson taught in a class?
Volunteer Hours!!! We need you to help out for a teacher PATH Training on October 25 th & 26 th ! When: Friday after school until 6pm Saturday from Doing What?: Running concession stands Showing off your binder “skills” with pride
Volunteer Hours!!! After School tutoring--PLEASE sign-up for once/twice a week! Hartford from 3-4 Monday thru Thursday Sanborn Anderson Elementary Willis Junior High 4-5 Monday thru Thursday Anderson Junior High
In Need Of… For the Chander Care Center's Thanksgiving Family Assistance Day, AVID is signed up to bring dry rice and dry pinto beans. The goal is at least 100 bags of each
Part 1: Vocabulary words (1 point each) Part 2: Character Matching(1 point each) Part 3: Plot Questions (1 point each) Part 4: Essay Prompts – Choose 2 out of 5 (10 points each) Know who: Mameh, Tateh, Ruth, James, Hunter, Andrew “Dennis”, Helen, Jackie, Aunt Mary, Bubeh Color of Water Test – 50 points October 24 th, 2013
AVID Learning Goal: I take advantage of opportunities to reflect on and improve my understanding of learning through the use of Cornell Notes
TRF Get into like subject groups Get into like subject groups Use whiteboards in back of room Use whiteboards in back of room Get markers & erasers from cabinet under the AVID whiteboard next too the safety hood (Make sure you return them when done) Get markers & erasers from cabinet under the AVID whiteboard next too the safety hood (Make sure you return them when done) Complete the TRF and Reflection sheets Complete the TRF and Reflection sheets Turn in when done Turn in when done YOU KNOW THE DRILL!! YOU KNOW THE DRILL!! If done early, work on homework assignments for classes! If done early, work on homework assignments for classes! NO GOOFING OFF!!! NO GOOFING OFF!!!
Week #2 Quarter 2 (10/21-10/25) (calendar site) (calendar site) Warm Up – Thursday, 10/24 Pick Up: Have out: Activities/Assignments: 1.Stamp Daily Check Sheet for Thursday 2.Take Color of Water Test 3.Work on TRF’s AVID Learning Goal: I can Apply and analyze the Book “The Color of Water” to my life Daily Question: How does the book “The Color of Water” apply to my life and AVID? Homework: pages of Cornell Notes for classes due Tuesday, 10/29 2.TRF due Tuesday, 10/29 3.TRF due Thursday, 10/31 4.Weekly Check Sheet due Monday, 10/28
Complete test QUIETLY! Complete test QUIETLY! Make sure to complete Post Assessment Reflection! Make sure to complete Post Assessment Reflection! Turn Test in to Teacher when done! Turn Test in to Teacher when done!
AVID Learning Goal: I can Apply and analyze the Book “The Color of Water” to my life
TRF Get into like subject groups Get into like subject groups Use whiteboards in back of room Use whiteboards in back of room Get markers & erasers from cabinet under the AVID whiteboard next too the safety hood (Make sure you return them when done) Get markers & erasers from cabinet under the AVID whiteboard next too the safety hood (Make sure you return them when done) Complete the TRF and Reflection sheets Complete the TRF and Reflection sheets Turn in when done Turn in when done YOU KNOW THE DRILL!! YOU KNOW THE DRILL!! If done early, work on homework assignments for classes! If done early, work on homework assignments for classes! NO GOOFING OFF!!! NO GOOFING OFF!!!
Week #2 Quarter 2 (10/21-10/25) (calendar site) (calendar site) Warm Up – Friday, 10/25 Pick Up: Have out: Markers and butcher paper are near AVID Board Activities/Assignments: 1.Islands Building a Team Identity Activity AVID Learning Goal: I can apply teambuilding skills Daily Question: How are we similar and different? Homework: pages of Cornell Notes for classes due Tuesday, 10/29 2.TRF due Tuesday, 10/29 3.TRF due Thursday, 10/31 4.Weekly Check Sheet due Monday, 10/28
AVID Islands Building a Team Identity Directions: Work in small groups (4 per group you may choose groups) a large piece of paper, draw the shape of your island and create geographical features to fit the personalities of your group. Include the following on your poster and be ready to share your reasons: 1.Name your island 2.Create a motto for your island 3.What song will be your “Island Anthem”? 4. Design your Island’s currency 5.Design your flag 6.What will be your island’s most celebrated holiday? 7.What special jobs/responsibilities will each group member have in order to ensure the success of your island’s AVID culture? 8.What will be the first law passed on your island? 9.What will be the most widely read book on your island? 10.MAKE IT SCHOOL APPROPRIATE!! 11.YOU WILL BE PRESENTING THIS ON MONDAY!!